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Saw the EX today after a year.

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So I saw my Ex-girlfriend today for the first time in over a year. She was at my school picking up her younger brother and I spot her car from accross the street, at first I think it's her step-mom in the car because she's the one that usually picks up my ex's brother from school, and when I see the step mom I usually just wave, so I didn't think much of it.


So I'm walking accross the street, cross the next street and as I start walking down the sidewalk and I see that my EX is the one in the car and I think she spotted me from accross the street because when I passed the car her head was already turned way down and she was talking on the phone PRETENDING not to see me. Actually, I'm pretty sure she called someone when she spotted me so she could look less silly about avoiding eye contact with me when I approached the car. Anyways, I could see what she was doing so I just kept walking and never looked back.


We were each other's first love, were very close and had a great relationship during the good times. What bugs me is that she couldn't even look at me, she just kind of tucked her tail and avoided me like a punk. Our relationship ended on a very sour note. Still, I almost died a few months ago a result from a stabbing and I'm a lot more mature and humble person since then and even before.... and she couldn't even say hello?


At first I kind of laughed about it, but then I decided to look her up on facebook to see if she had posted anything about it just to find out if she had actually seen me or not, out of curiosity. Anyways, this is what I found.


"Ew, i'm so glad you didnt talk to me just now."


This was posted right when school gets out. So I'm sure it's about me.


What also bugs me is that she thinks she's some big shot or something. I mean what's with the "Eww," I should be saying that about her because she's the one that looked like she's gained 15 pounds, meanwhile I've lost 60 since that last time I saw her. What is her deal? Why the hatred after so long? I find it comical that she would go and post that on Facebook, even though she's the one that was immature and kept her head down like a wuss, she was too afraid to even look at me or acknowledge me, then she goes on facebook posting away as if she is too good for me now, looking for props from her stupid friends even though her actions were laughable. I just don't understand that.


Sorry if it was long, I just wanted to rant. & Anybody have any similar stories?

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Well...after a year, you're right her actions are laughable. I don't understand why though

you looked at her FB page. Did it help to see her being an idiot? Perhaps she knew you well enough to know how to push your buttons. Best thing to do is have a good laugh about it, and let it go. Doing nothing is the best thing you CAN do with someone like that.


Best wishes..

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Well...after a year, you're right her actions are laughable. I don't understand why though

you looked at her FB page. Did it help to see her being an idiot? Perhaps she knew you well enough to know how to push your buttons. Best thing to do is have a good laugh about it, and let it go. Doing nothing is the best thing you CAN do with someone like that.


Best wishes..


I don't know why either. I guess I thought maybe she'd say something about me. And she did, but not something good.

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