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Advice? :(


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Let me give you my own example:


Chatting: When I am chatting with someone I am not shy because I know that I can hide behind the screen. The other person cannot see my body language. So the other person really cannot see how I am reacting to each and every word spoken. The same for me, I cannot see how the person reacts to my words. Unless you are on webcam certainly. Even then, chatting can hide lot of stuff that face to face won't. I can be very humorous while chatting but not if I am face to face. Being behind screen gives me the time to think a little bit more and write. I am not saying I am not honest. I am just saying people are a little different.


Phone: I am a little bit shy. I am a person who can write well but not talk well. So I may be a little bit more reserved in what I say than I would be while chatting.


Face to face: I am very shy in the first 3-4 meetings. But after I get to know the person I become more relaxed. It would take me a long long time to crack jokes with a person face to face. I don't get that time to think remember. Also someone else is watching my body language. So it may happen that the guy liked me while chatting, but may not like the fact that I talk less when face to face. Or it can be that the guy may like me better because he likes to talk more and likes a good listener rather than someone who talks talks and talks.


You got the picture right. It is different. Thats how I see it as. Again, given enough time, I will be more relaxed with a person face to face be my normal self. I won't be that shy.


So you got to meet her. Give it a chance. Not just one or two meetings. May be more. It may be that she is the same person in person and behind the screen. But cannot take that chance right.


Just forgot to add, overtime, the different perspective of the same person should become one perspective.

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i would say that to them to keep them happy ( keep them quite about it tbh lol ) but even at that i would still pay for it


she can pay for your taxi home lol oj

Heh, my dad's fine with providing the transport.


Also, I can't remember the last time I've been to Cheltenam lol.

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Yeah, she lives about a 10 min bus journey from there.


I'm in Bristol, so I guess it's a 45 min drive to and a 45 min drive back XD


then ur sweet man id say she will be the one taking you places then so u dont have to worry

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Hehe, I was worried about the age difference at first but now I'm ok with it


try not to think about it to much until then cause it seems ur tryin to find ways out of it, thinking about it to much ino it will be hard if ur parnoid like me but itl only get urself worked up about it but 1 year age diff no way 4 r 5 maybe then but ur fine

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Hehe yeah true. =] I'm gonna be nervous about meeting her folks/family too, but I'm not sure if I'll have to.. best off to think about that at the time lol


lol u myt be gettin abit ahead of urself unless her parents will be there but i always thought ud only meet the parents if u were goin out with the girl bit early yet though

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lol u myt be gettin abit ahead of urself unless her parents will be there but i always thought ud only meet the parents if u were goin out with the girl bit early yet though

Yeah true, nah her folks won't be at the meet up. Just me and her. But wait, how does she know I won't betray the trust?

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Hmm, it's only going to be me and her. How does she know who I am for sure though? She doesn't know my past if you get me


im still not completely sure what u mean but if ur talking about the past to mee that shuldnt affect trust


just remember shes goin into this the same way u are


and scine she dont know much about u thats good it gives u sumin to talk about

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im still not completely sure what u mean but if ur talking about the past to mee that shuldnt affect trust


just remember shes goin into this the same way u are


and scine she dont know much about u thats good it gives u sumin to talk about

Yeah true =]

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Well we met up today and I think it went well, the problem is the distance. It takes about an hour and 15 mins to get to her place via car.


Seems I worried over nothing =D I know she is very busy next week. Anyways, I am glad I met her


soz i culdnt say anythiing before i had to get stuff done


mmmm but im glad its all went well for ya and hope you the best of luck in the future m8

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