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Hello. I am meeting a girl next week that I have been talking to for a while now. I am quite nervous (due to the past) that meeting her in person will destroy the online and the freindship we have at the moment.


We have talked on MSN, we have texted and we've talked on the phone for 5 or so times.


Any advice? I really need it.



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just be yourself try not to be too nervous inoo its harder said than done but try ur hardest and always listen to her

True, thanks for the advice. I need as much advice as possible.


How can I trust someone I've never met before though?

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its hard inoo i cant really trust people i dont know which i think is a downfall i think


but how can you make freinds/relationships if ur going in with the idea that there gona do sumin wrong


u have to give people the benifit of the doubt make it seem that there ur friend already that uve hung about with them countless times

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When you meet her, tell her how happy you are to meet her and how it will be nice to talk to her in person. Then she'll probably say the same thing. This mutual good will will make everything fun from the start.

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I will trust her until she breaks the trust. She is probably the same. Well, I know what you mean. I'm hoping for the best. She normally talks to me first on MSN, so that's a sign she wants to talk to me.


You got any more advice for me? Thanks.

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tbh m8 i dont think u need advice i always though if ur goin to meet someone with everything ur gona say and do already planned it sorta makes it seem to have a sense of uease cause ul be thinking of what to say next after shes finished and girls prefer boys that listen to them it show u care just let it flow


just be urself cause im sure shes feeling the same way about meeting you

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Yeah, true. It's taking the huge leap from talking on MSN to meeting in person. I have met girls online before and it's not worked out.


I guess the whole situation will be different. We're going for a KFC though, not sure what we'll do after that but I'm sure we'll think of something.

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Lets get this straight - You want more than be friends with her right? If the answer is yes, then you would have to come in person than be online with her. So you got to give this a chance. Knowing someone through MSN and knowing a person for real are two different things. You will never know what she is unless you come out and be face to face. So you have to do it if you really want to know what she is for real.


About the trust issue, why do you want to trust someone whom you would be meeting for the first time? You don't want this relationship to become serious in just one meeting right? It is always good to be a little less trusting at first since it makes you less vulnerable. Trust will develop eventually if you guys are good together.


If you really want this to become something you have to just give it a chance. JUst be yourself. Expect nothing from her but friendship in the first meeting. Then see if you can be something later. I am really very skeptical of relationships that are completely based on online chatting. I believe you can never know a person, unless you come face to face with that person.


So go ahead. Be yourself. All the best.

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I think it will be interesting to meet her. Thank you for the detailed advice. I nearly ended contact with her a few weeks back but I didn't and I see what you mean.


I would like a relationship with her if we click but I won't expect a relationship yet, not after the 3rd or so meet up.


I'll have to post here how the meet up goes.


I'm probably nervous because it's a possible future girlfriend. Also I have nothing to lose by meeting her.


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Yeah. I would go with an open mind rather than make up my mind about her and start speculating what may or may not happen.

That's what I'm doing, which is good I guess.


She has said I am not clingy which is also a good thing.


We're gonna talk on the phone this weekend I think.


I hope me and her can maintain a freindship after the meet up though.

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Why are you even thinking that she may not like you? As I said, go with a very open mind. What if you don't like her enough that you may not want a friendship also with her? You will never know till you meet her. And you need to get the courage to do that, doesn't matter what the consequences are. Don't think of consequences right now.

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I think I nearly ended contact with her because it was instinct. I thought because pastgirls have treated me bad then she will... which is probably not going to be the case.


well sho obvlsy likes you if she is the one inaciateing the contact most of the time (i aint had that joy lol)


it seems ur quite paranoid that people are always going to let u down but all i can say is give her the chance if shes wanting to meet up with you then she obvlsy wants to make it work

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Why are you even thinking that she may not like you? As I said, go with a very open mind. What if you don't like her enough that you may not want a friendship also with her? You will never know till you meet her. And you need to get the courage to do that, doesn't matter what the consequences are. Don't think of consequences right now.

Not sure really. I see where you're coming from. I think talking on MSN to her, talking on the phone and meeting up are different things. Time will tell though.


@Tony01: Yep, I am kinda like that to be honest. Who wouldn't be if they've met 4 or so girls and they treated you bad. Anyways, gotta have an open mind. And true, it's good she talks first most of the time.

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Not sure really. I see where you're coming from. I think talking on MSN to her, talking on the phone and meeting up are different things. Time will tell though.


@Tony01: Yep, I am kinda like that to be honest. Who wouldn't be if they've met 4 or so girls and they treated you bad. Anyways, gotta have an open mind. And true, it's good she talks first most of the time.


Yep. Talking to someone on MSN, talking on phone and meeting someone will give three different perspective of the same person. Thats how I see things as.


And I am coming from the same place as you are except that men have treated me bad and not women. I was scared too earlier. But then realized if I start thinking all men are same, then I will never find someone. So I was ready to take the risk.

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Yep. Talking to someone on MSN, talking on phone and meeting someone will give three different perspective of the same person. Thats how I see things as.


And I am coming from the same place as you are except that men have treated me bad and not women. I was scared too earlier. But then realized if I start thinking all men are same, then I will never find someone. So I was ready to take the risk.

Thanks, I never thought about that really. How it's three perspectives on the same person. Me and her have not talked today, that's normal I would say, right? =D

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@Tony01: Yep, I am kinda like that to be honest. Who wouldn't be if they've met 4 or so girls and they treated you bad. Anyways, gotta have an open mind. And true, it's good she talks first most of the time.


im really paranoid about people and m8 ur not the only one with bad luck with girls all the ones i liked and though would lead somwere ended up that they were just playing with me cause of past bf's ands taking it out on me basically


but dont let that stop u try to see the good in people give her the benift of the doubt she obvlsy like u m8


just dont expect to much to come from one meeting like you said maybe after the third


best of luck to you man

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Thanks dude. I and her have not talked today and that's normal for the both of us, makes it more exciting to talk with her the next time.


I think it's almost like I'm expecting things to get rocky after the meet up, if that makes sense


I'll have to let you know how it goes =)

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Thanks dude. I and her have not talked today and that's normal for the both of us, makes it more exciting to talk with her the next time.


I think it's almost like I'm expecting things to get rocky after the meet up, if that makes sense


I'll have to let you know how it goes =)


lol it does but ur not gona find out until then just block that outa ur mind for now


nps man all the best

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