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please read my poem and tell me what u think


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Please just tell me what you think... Honesty is greatly appriciated... thanks



Dig deep beneath my skin

Show me blood, feel no sin

Wounds show up

Pain Corrupt


Cracked silver blade of joy

Play with me my precious toy

Caress my skin ever so softly

In my eyes it shines ever so brilliantly


Split my skin

Lips curl into an upwards grin

Pleasure from each precious cut

Tearing out my inner gut


Tears fall slowly down my face

I pray today is the last of my days

Crimson Hate trickling down slowly down my arm

Silver razor blade of charm

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I liked the poem even though it had major suicide implications in it. I hope your writing about something you feel and not something you plan on doing. Please talk to someone if your at that point in your life because it is not worth ending it all. You have WAY TOO much to live for. If you need people to talk to then you had better talk to your parents or a counselor at school about what is bothering you.


PM me if you need to talk,


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I hope your seeking help for your cutting problem. It is something that should be dealt with as soon as possible. Although, I don't understand why you hurt yourself I think you should seek some couseling. Hey maybe I am wrong but, your young and have your whole life ahead of you. It does get better and life is what you make of it. I lived with depression for over twenty years. I never was happy never smiled never laughed. I was just a shell of a human being and I finally had it. I went to the Dr and was put on meds. Within four months I am a totally different person and I can even see in myself the change. Seek help because no one will seek it for you.


PM me if you need to talk.


Good luck and keep writing!!!



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yeah, i just saw it as well, thanks to behind_these_eyes bringing it back to the top of the forum. Its very good, very emotional, and it well constructed too. I hope you're able to get your cutting under control, please seek help for that, be it with friends, counciling or just talking to us, nobobdy wants to see anything bad happen to you. Keep the poems coming, you are obviously quite talented.


Best of luck and keep up the good work,


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wow!*round of applause* that was amazing i dont know how i missed that when it was posted. anyway great poem very deep, if you need to talk IM me but your probably not planning anything my poems are similar to this and its just a tone to art the subject matter that is but if im wrong and you do need to talk you know im always here for you.

luv u and ur writing,

-stitches aka The Antihero

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It was a very beautiful poem and I saw your meaning in it the first time I read it. You described how cutters feel perfectly. Most people who cut tend to keep their problems inside and hidden. Often they are the strength for everyone around them. It's hard to express their feelings and they feel incredibly guilty for their "Sins" as you say in your poem. It's an overwhelming feeling when you don't know what to do with those feelings you're having and the only way to make it go away is to cut. When you peirce the skin and you see the blood trickle, it's like you say "wounds show up". People who cut have trouble expressing their pain so they release it secretly by cutting. It's like purging all the bad things from your body. Kind of the same thing with people with eating disorders. While cutting is dangerous and I agree with other posters that you should seek help with that, I do understand exactly why you do it. And you have an amazing writing talent that I would like to see more of.



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