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how do i make the leap?


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ok so im 17 and have never had a girlfriend.


my question is how do you make the leap (and when i say how i dont mean like bs 'have this mindset' or wtvr; i mean like what can i actually do (practical advice) to make the leap from being really good friends with a girl to making out with her on a regular basis?

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Well, first of all, to really give you a good answer, more setails are going to be required. But from what I can tell, you have a friend (girl) that you like. And you want to know how you can get her to go out with you.


If that is the case, then the answer is this: there is no good answer. It is really hard to transition from good friends to b/f g/f. Many girls (and guys) do not want to do this, to kepp the friendship.


The only thing I think you could do is talk to her about it. See what her feelings are. However, these kinds of talks are difficult, and very tricky. You have to show her you care, without revealing all of you feelings, you have to find out what she thinks of you, and you have to be mindful of her feelings, all at the same time.


But if it is worth all the risks to be with her, then good luck. I hope I could help.

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Dreng, you are only 13! how do you even know what you are talking about? i mean maybe you do.....

well he's been here since August, so I think he might have picked something up from reading and just plain experience. Some stuff is just common sense.


Even thoguh you don't want it, you do need to know your ready for taking that step. Not just cause you feel like going there for whatever reason(like everyone else has already), but cause you know your ready.


Ok so your good friends with this girl, and your willing to put that on the line by asking her out and dating. Since your good friends, you should be able to talk to her about it. You already know each other so there isn't no akward gettign the nerve to just go up to her. You might want to try the "hanging out with a couple of friends then if all goes well, ask her out then."

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It can be hard to transition from friendship to a relationship. Here's my advice: Take it slowly. You don't want to rush into a relationship, as this can also damage your friendship you once had...also make sure that if you do ask this girl out, how it will effect your friendship, if you break up with her, then at the very least, I would suggest try to stay friends with her...because it sucks to lose a friend..

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