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boy or tranny?

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it was pride last weekend here in toronto... i got lots of compliment that i loook good even as a girl... and they say that it doesn't look fake at all i look real i mean i look like a real girl... i'm 18 but dont have a broad shoulder so it doesn't look like i'm a boy at all..... so should i be a tranny or wat?

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If thats what you want. Do it for you though, not just because everyone says you look good as a girl. If its what you want, then why shouldn't you. I would say talk to your friends about it & such. You will probably need support in this. Really think about it though. Are you happy with who you are now? Do you think this will make you happier with yourself? My only advice would be to make sure this is what you want for yourself & consider everything.

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Well since you aren't sure yet, don't jump into anything yet. Just think about it a lot & get advice from people on what they think. Don't do something until you are 100% sure its what you want to do. Just list out all the bad things about it & then all the good things about it, maybe that will help you with your desicion.

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This is a life-changing decision that you are thinking about. It will change what others think of you forever - and sometimes not for the better. This is something that can have serious setbacks if you make the wrong decision. If you really believe that this is what you want to do then do it. Just make sure that it is the right one for you, after all if you are happy and that is what you really want to do then seriously consider it. Do not do it because someone gave you a compliment, do it because thats what you want to be. Think carefully before you decide, but after all its up to you - just as long as you are happy.



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hi, if you want to be a girl and a boy then i suggest not having any operations but just acting how you want to act and just dress how you want to dress. because thats fine, also its even better because if after a while you dont want to be a girl then you dnt have to be upset about the whole op thing because u wouldnt have gone through with it

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