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Tired of the business world. Academia - Here I come.

Double J

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I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, and I am 110% sure that I'm a scholar at heart.


I aim to enter the field of higher education in the next year or so. Other than teaching, what other positions might I gun for?


Since I love writing, do you feel I should work in a college or university's communications department? I already have experience editing copy for websites, so maybe I'd make a good web writer/editor. Does anyone know anything about instructional designing?


Also, what are some pros/cons to working in higher ed? Is it greatly bureaucratic? How are the benefits?


Any tips/feedback welcome. Thanks.

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I hope everything works out for you. I'm also in the business world and find it too narrow for someone that is creative and type B like me. I just don't have the passion for my field that would really propel my career. I plan on going back to school next year, so that I can change into a different field. I, like you, enjoy writing, I enjoy learning, I enjoy research and I enjoy "teaching" or inspiring people. In the business world I can't do any of these things in the capacity that I'd like to.

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You may feel like a scholar at heart, but working for a university in the capacities you describe will probably feel a lot like working in the business world. Colleagues may be a bit more interesting, and subject matter may be more to your liking, but university communications departments won't really give you a chance to do research (I read your earlier post on consumer behavior).


Being a professional researcher or a professor (or a grad student) is really the only way to do pure research.


Pay is lower in academia, but some benefits (time off, flexible work schedule) may be better. The financial crisis has hit universities particularly hard (alumni donations and endowment investments) so don't expect a lot of openings.


If I sound negative it's because I'm an academic preparing to go into the business world.

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Why don't you come and finish my dissertation writing. You will get lots and lots of blessings from me. I hate academia and I want to join the business world. And I will. Somehow I started PhD and now neither I am able to swallow it nor throw it. I am stuck.


Its not as rosy as you think. Academia has its own rules and regulations like corporate world and some of those you may not like. All your students are not going to be inspired. Unless you are the 'Sir' of 'To Sir, With Love'. Some will love you, some will hate you, and some doesn't give a damn and will not remember you after the semester ends. But then there are occasional few students who will approach you in the most weirdest place and greet you and say 'hey Teacher, I took your class. I loved it'. Then you will feel like you are in seventh heaven and the greatest teacher ever. Then you will meet students whom YOU will remember and say 'hi'. The student will turn around and pretend he/she/it didn't see you. lol.


I read your post again. Looks like you do not want to be a teacher. 'Well, this is also an after effect of pursuing too much higher edu. You forget what people have been asking you, you forget the context'. I have no more suggestion for you.


Do not take my words as discouraging. I have seen the academic world for too long to find it interesting anymore.

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There seems to be equal disullisionment with both the business world and academia from people I know. Many people in academia (including me) are thinking of leaving, and many in people in business see it as the rosy alternative. Perhaps it's just career-based GIGS.


In terms of working for the communications office of a University, it's possible, and that would be infinitely easier than actually becoming an academic, but such jobs are not that easy to come by, and certainly not secure in employment terms. Many universities are shedding administrative staff in large numbers right now, because they're seen as more optional than academic staff.

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There is definitely a lot of beauracracy. When I finished my Ph.D., I thought I would finally be able to just relax and teach. I took a position at a smaller university where I thought research pressure would be less. Unfortunately, I've found the pressure to still be ever-present. Smaller schools still want to build their reputation and they still expect production from tenure-track employees.


My advice would be to reseach the profession as much as you can before you make it your goal. It's a lot of time to invest, getting to a job that you may not even like.

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I would never want to get a job in academia. As many have said, it's got it's own set of pressures and lots of politics, not to mention ego.


Maybe try teaching? The qualification is only one year and you could teach high school, and choose your specialisms.

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