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Women critique my technique please!


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technique.. if you can call it that.


I'd appreciate some older posters here if possible. I want to know how I can improve in asking out someone, (I've been out of the game for so long).


Situtation: I was waiting to get in my lab and a cute girl was sitting waiting for her class. I walked around a while and then ended up talking to her. I had no problem whatever talking to her. I asked her what she was taking, who was teaching the class. I later asked where she was born, and where she grew up. We talked for about 10 minutes. I introduced myself before I went into my lab.


Ok the only reason I went in is because my key didn't work and someone let me in.


So I came back right away (about 30 seconds, and she was about 20 feet away) walked over to her and this is what happened (as close as I can remember it) (I was calm before but to be honest my heart was pounding):


"Hey, miranda?"


"What are you doing this weekend..... (remembering it's fourth of july).. umm next weekend"

(She pauses for half a second)

"Well actually I have a boyfriend"

"I was affraid you would say that

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok, sorry."




Ok help me out here. The older you are the more I'll listen.


-What did I do wrong, it definitely isn't perfect?

-Did I look foolish by going inside only to return?

-Anyway I can tell if she really has a boyfriend or if she's just shooting me down?

-Anything would be a big help

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I dont' see where you did anything wrong at all. Seriously. It sounds like you were cheerful, friendly, communicative, and even showed *extra* interest by coming back out after entering. That makes it seem like "well I was shy, but I'm going to do this anyway.." which I find very endearing.


I think she really did just have a boyfriend.


Chin up.



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Doesn't sound to me like you did anything wrong either. I think she probaly does have a boyfriend.

If your worried about being "shot down"again. Try talking to the next girl a little longer to find out if she has a boyfriend or not. i'm trying to think of a not-so-cheesy way of asking. The whole "so, where;s your boyfriend" is a bit too obvious for me. That's more hitting on than being conversational.

But best of luck to you in the future!

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I agree with the rest of the posts. I think she really does have a boyfriend. You did not do anything wrong I feel.


Take some time to talk to a girl more in future, before asking her out. Else you might have to take a pretty hard fall.

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You were fine. You were direct, you stated your interest, and you were polite. She was direct in response, and told you she had someone so there'd be no misinterpretation. No matter how you played it, you'd still have gotten the same answer!



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thank you girls.. you're sweet and you're sweet too bleeder ha ha!


But as a follow up question. Some of you said that I should get to know her a little more. But what if your in a bind and you don' thave much time. You have like minutes to act or its over? Anything you can do in that situation?

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well, since you go to the same school, you might try and ask her what her schedule is like and then if you have a break in schedule at the same time, maybe try and arrange to meet up with her then? tell her you enjoyed chatting with her, and would like to continue it soon. that way you're not "pushing" yourself on her too soon, and you can get to know each other over time.


that's my 2 cents, do with it what you will.


good luck

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