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Who prefers theory to practical application in the business world?

Double J

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I feel I am a scholar at heart. I could care less about the business world -- be it costs, profits, and anything in between.


Oddly enough, I got a bachelor's of Business Administration in Marketing. It's almost been 3 years since I graduated and it's taken me this long to realize that I prefer studying the theory behind consumer behavior to actually applying it. Tell me to sit down and devise a marketing strategy for a brand of toothpaste and I'll cringe. Tell me, however, to research and explain buying patterns for this product over the past 5 decades and I'll be engrossed in no time.


Needless to say, I'd rather read up on industry literature than actually sit down and put it all into practice. It was the same thing when I was an Accounting major (switched to Marketing my junior year) - I wasn't big on spreadsheets; instead I was thumbing through accounting texts and journals.


Since graduating, I've held two jobs in the hospitality industry. My biggest passion is writing/editing and thus I've been fortunate to find two jobs that have allowed me to further cultivate my craft. I got laid off four months after landing the first job, but the second/current job has involved an almost identical set of tasks. I've been charged with writing/editing copy for hotel descriptions, blog descriptions, promotional landing pages, etc. Both jobs have been intellectually stimulating in the sense that they've allowed me to delve into the history of the properties as well as the cities in which they are based. I feel that, in writing these descriptions, I'm actually educating the consumer on everything from hotel amenities to how close the hotel lies to key attractions.


Unfortunately, I've come to the sobering realization that my job is dead end and I'll have to be moving on in the next year or so. But the burning question is: Where to?


Does everything I've just said scream PROFESSOR, or might there be alternative options for me to consider in private industry as well? (I've seen that some companies have organizational learning departments, but I don't know much about what that entails.)


My target industry is higher education (no surprise there), but I honestly don't know what types of jobs I should be looking for. It seems I could shoot for jobs at colleges and universities that involve web editing, copywriting, etc. I've also heard about instructional designers, who work with professors on curriculum, designing learning modules, etc.


Any tips/suggestions much appreciated.

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