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Why we get over some exes faster ?

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thought about this last night.Why we get over some failed relationships faster that over others...I mean i used to have few years a go a 5 years relationship...we didnot fight much or anything like this,we just grown apart and when it ended and i moved out i did not suffer....and i mean five years,sure we see each other briefly every now and then since his cousin is a good friend of mine,but there is no emotion whatsoever...yea he is with someone,but there is no pain when i hear or see it....

My question is howcome i still hold feelings for a one year relationship where we just seen each other few times....certain i have not seen this ex since break up....and even now when i m happy or sad i want to talk to my one year relationship ex and not to the other one?? Why we get over some people faster than over others?

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Maybe some relationships run their course and although you might miss the person or being in a relationship you have already started emotionally detaching so the healing is quicker. In another relationship where perhaps you are still feeling like there is more to experience with each other and you are getting certain needs fulfulled, you have more difficulty in letting go.

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