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Women : Are you attracted to men's bodies?


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Yeah, seems like an obvious question, but I have heard many women say that male bodies aren't really aesthetically pleasing and all.


Also are you attracted to a variety of male bodies? In the sense that, let's say, you have a somewhat plump boyfriend, would you be attracted to his body too? When it comes to us men, we are attracted to a wide variety of body types.

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I have a plump boyfriend. I love his body. His stomach makes a good pillow and he's just very soft and smooth (except for a little chest hair) all over. I love his love handles too. Being that close with him makes me feel very comfortable, at ease, and happy.


I feel like I'm on Totoro's tummy!


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I like plump men.


V-shaped torsos = yuck. I see a guy built like that and here's my thought process: guy has V-shaped body --> he looks like a line backer --> Where does a line backer come from? --> FOOTBALL! ---> Who hates football? ---> I do!

And that's when I look somewhere else.


Of course I wouldn't reject a guy based on that alone but I just wouldn't approach him.

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I'm into bodies of men, and frankly I think the Hollywood needs to start caring more about how men look instead of letting any Joe Smoe show up in films. What is with all the ugly guys in Hollywood?



Hollywood is for entertainment. Guys like David Spade, Oliver Platt, and Jon Heder may not be the best looking, but they know how to entertain. The best looking guys are models, not actors.

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I'm into bodies of men, and frankly I think the Hollywood needs to start caring more about how men look instead of letting any Joe Smoe show up in films. What is with all the ugly guys in Hollywood?


They seem to be really into "fat, crude oddball guy turns into a HERO and gets the girl" theme nowadays.


I'm thinking they think it will make it more "relate-able" to people but still.

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It's not the biggest turn on for me. I like faces more. But I do get turned on by broad shoulders and a "swimmer build." Guys' lower region doesn't turn me on much except that it's intimate and I like that. I'm weird...I like cute noses and sexy lips...but abs and muscles and all that don't turn me on at all.

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Well you won't catch me at the movie theater very often either and that is a big part of why.


So you only go to the movies to see good looking actors?


I go to the movies a lot, but it's not always about the actresses. Sometimes I just like the plotlines.

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It's not the biggest turn on for me. I like faces more. But I do get turned on by broad shoulders and a "swimmer build." Guys' lower region doesn't turn me on much except that it's intimate and I like that. I'm weird...I like cute noses and sexy lips...but abs and muscles and all that don't turn me on at all.




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Well it's not the only reason like I said it's part of the reason. Most movies plots are lacking so I don't waste my money.


You and I could never get along, then...I love movies! Got a DVD collection of all different genres, and enjoy just sitting down and watching a movie.


Doesn't matter if the actors or actresses are good or not. It's if they're entertaining. But that's a matter for a completely different thread.


I guess you're just not much of a movie watcher, Jetta.

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I can't say I'm very attracted to many male bodies. (Actually, except for two or three men, --one of which I'm married to-- I prefer women.) I'd rather completely ignore their physical appearance, and see if they're worth talking to. I'm one of those weird nerdy people that get turned on by an intellectual conversation.

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oh, god yes. I love the male body. I could sit and just stare at a naked man all day long. Some of that is sexual of course, but I really just think it's absolutely beautfiul. I love the pure masculinity of it all.... the shape, the muscles, the skin, everything. I can't even understand how some women don't find the male body attractive.

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I love the pure masculinity of it all.... the shape, the muscles, the skin, everything. I can't even understand how some women don't find the male body attractive.


Totally agree. Broad shoulders, biceps, chest hair, etc etc. It's wildly attractive.

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I'm into bodies of men, and frankly I think the Hollywood needs to start caring more about how men look instead of letting any Joe Smoe show up in films. What is with all the ugly guys in Hollywood?


Personally I dont have a problem with this, for example Seth Rogan isn't your typical Hollywood man cuttout, but he's hilarious...but what you said proves a point I'm always trying to make. A man can get away with being average looking or even below average and he'll still be successful in a place like Hollywood and get the girl. But where are the average and below average female celebrities? you know, who actually star in leading roles or even major secondary roles? the ones who are desired physically by the leading man? the ones who are not confined to "funny" roles, who aren't stuck as background characters, or used in a cruel joke. Ie the fat cheerleader in Dodgeball.


Yea, its just soooo much easier for women, even the ones who dont have good looks. What a bunch of crap.



Anyway, to answer the OP's question, if I'm attracted to the guy then I'm more than likely going to be attracted to his body as well. My preference (though not a dealbreaker) is a slender but lean build. One where you can see a little bit of definition but not too much. Swimmers build is the closest I can think of, but honestly, muscle isn't that much of a big deal to me, nor is the body. Its his face that I'm going to be looking at most of the time so when I check out a guy its his face I look at first, not his body.

I think men can have aesthetically pleasing bodies too but the definition of what is aesthetically pleasing is very rigid. I think its great that so many women appreciate plumper men, I wish you'd see men saying the same regarding women's bodies seems like the "variety" of female body shapes guys go for are either slender, toned, or slightly curvy

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Yeah, seems like an obvious question, but I have heard many women say that male bodies aren't really aesthetically pleasing and all.


You have to take such comments with a grain of salt. Straight women tend to get put under a lot of pressure not to be openly sexual or express sexual desire. It's the Madonna complex.

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I adore the male body. Lots of women will say that they think female bodies are more attractive than male bodies (despite being straight), yet I beg to differ! Give me a male body to stare at any day. I love a cute butt, penis, balls, nipples and a hairy chest. *drools*

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I think its great that so many women appreciate plumper men, I wish you'd see men saying the same regarding women's bodies seems like the "variety" of female body shapes guys go for are either slender, toned, or slightly curvy


Sorry to confirm your theory but I think I fall into that category, at least slightly anyway. In fact actually I'm not attracted to skinny girls at all; the skinnyness puts me off from anything that's an even remotely serious relationship! (and by that I mean I would only be attracted to them purely sexually)


My type of *partner* tends to be just the curvy type- about what I feel I am in my own appearance. This might be some sort of psychological need to be at the same "level" as a partner, or worries she's out of my league (maybe even cheating on me?), but that is where I tend to be attracted to.


But what mainly attracts me are the eyes and nose of a girl. I'm really not a "breasts (language filter and ass man" at all. Like I said before, that is sexually attractive to me but definitely not a dealbreaker at all. I'm attracted to girls who I think are like myself in physicality but also of course in personality and interests.

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I'm only attracted to muscular males' bodies. I'm not attracted to slim or plump, but that doesn't mean I won't date them- just that it's not their body that I'm attracted to, and I usually prefer them in clothes.

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