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Facebook Challenge

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I'm so lucky i took my ex off facebook right after the break up or else id fail this challenge a few times a day. Although if you want to count looking at some of her friend's profiles that aren't private, then im game.


hahah, you can count that if you want!

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hahah, you can count that if you want!

Argh ill give it a shot, but i dont think i will last longer than a day. It's funny too, because i never find what i think im going to find, and thats who shes seeing right now, if shes even seeing anyone. All i see is her bubbly and cute comments every now and then and likes to random status updates.



But i will still try!

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I accept the challenge. We've been broken up 6 weeks now, and had LC/Facebook chats, but I saw she's now in a new relationship recently, this is day 1 I've not checked. Help me stay strong guys and girls!


This thread definitely helped me keep up the challenge for a looong time, so hopefully it'll help you, too!

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I had my ex's profile completely blocked as of april this year, and the other day i thought i'd take a step forward and unblock him so i could at least see when he posts on mutual friends pages, and i was feeling fine, seeing him write stuff didnt bother me, so i felt i was over it a bit more...

today he sent me a friend request

i stupidly accepted.

i dont know why he added me.... but i guess i'll soon find out. im hoping that it doesnt upset me 2 read his status updates...

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I deleted my ex off facebook 2 weeks after she broke up with me, i found the next week a lot easier not being able to see what she was up to, then she changed her profile to public so anyone could see, i know she did this to get to me and it worked lol. I went through another week of constantly checking her page, realised it was just making things worse so i told myself to be strong. Its nearly been 2 weeks now and although i could quite easily see what shes up to, i dont feel the need anymore thank god.

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I'm happy to say I didn't! Ended up going out and spending a night at my brothers house. By the time I got home I was too tired to think about it and fell asleep. So day 3 here we go!


Ok I cracked about half an hour after writing this, grrr. No new info, which is kind of worse. Back to day 1 tomorrow then, it's just got her on my mind again, the quote is true "there's nothing in there but hurt", I need to be strong! It's not helping that all of the friends were tagged in photos in that little box on the right all seem to be hers! * * * , is Facebook taunting me or something?!

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when my ex dumped me, she deleted me off facebook, saying it was too hard to see my name, it was upsetting her. she admitted she still checked my profile several times a day to see what i was doing, and commented on how it went from private to public several times. i asked she make hers private, she said she didnt like the idea of it. time passes, i ask her to block me instead, which she does. we talked a little and nearly hooked up after hanging out. when i text her a couple of weeks later in reply to her asking what i was up to - saying i was seeing 'a friend' - she suddenly unblocks me - but now her profile is private! lol! snooping on me obviously. when i asked her about unblocking me, she said it was ok because we were talking now.


a couple of days later i said reconciliation or NC, she went for NC. and now her profile is public again! she wanted me to see what she was doing because she knew she wasnt going to be able to tell me

i asked that she reblock me after a week when she ignored my asking how she was doing. instead of replying to this, she posted on her wall, having a dig at me for all to see. i got very angry, wrote a scathing letter (that i never sent) and promptly blocked her - i would have before but i was afraid i would not be able to see it through


so here we are 2 weeks later and i havent seen one thing about her, it feels really good! i feel like im stopping caring! i had the opportunity to snoop on her via a family member's FB account that was left open, but i resisted.


im happy that despite thinking about her all the time, i dont care if she is ok or not

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Its nearly been 2 weeks now and although i could quite easily see what shes up to, i dont feel the need anymore thank god.


Haha, good for you! If you ever feel like checking it, just come post on here..it really helps!


Joining oct 12th


Good luck!


Ok I cracked about half an hour after writing this, grrr. No new info, which is kind of worse. Back to day 1 tomorrow then, it's just got her on my mind again, the quote is true "there's nothing in there but hurt", I need to be strong! It's not helping that all of the friends were tagged in photos in that little box on the right all seem to be hers! * * * , is Facebook taunting me or something?!


haha, aw, it's alright! I'm actually restarting too, I looked at EVERYTHING on his FB yesterday for the 'last time', so I could get it out of my system. Today's day 1!


i got very angry, wrote a scathing letter (that i never sent) and promptly blocked her - i would have before but i was afraid i would not be able to see it through


so here we are 2 weeks later and i havent seen one thing about her, it feels really good! i feel like im stopping caring! i had the opportunity to snoop on her via a family member's FB account that was left open, but i resisted.


im happy that despite thinking about her all the time, i dont care if she is ok or not



That's great! 2 weeks seems like forever, keep it up!

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