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Facebook Challenge

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completed day 2, which was hard considering i was home most of the day & on the computer, but i did it!

Good job. I'm right there with ya. I hope everyone else is staying disciplined and not looking at the ex's fb page. I know it's hard....but just DON'T VISIT THEIR PAGE.

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I have come to the conclusion that I hate facebook too. I mean it's great if you use it how it is intended. But it has caused me a lot of hurt during my breakup. I've unfriended my ex and both our profiles are private now, but I can still see her profile pic - her and her rebound on holiday together. I'm doing the 30 day NC challenge just now and I'm including facebook-snooping in that.


Another thing is that a girl I have as a friend on facebook I think has a thing for me. She likes and comments on any status update I put, any pictures I post. And honestly I'm not interested. It's really putting me off using FB because I know she will respond.


Basically I hate facebook for old and new relationships.

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Congrats bart. I KNOW how hard it was to do it. But like I said, you will get to that point, that we discussed.


Slowly but surley.


Haha, thank you HP, you were such a good listener & helper to me. Hope you're still doing well!




Good job. I'm right there with ya. I hope everyone else is staying disciplined and not looking at the ex's fb page. I know it's hard....but just DON'T VISIT THEIR PAGE.


And thanks Eddie!

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I have come to the conclusion that I hate facebook too. I mean it's great if you use it how it is intended. But it has caused me a lot of hurt during my breakup. I've unfriended my ex and both our profiles are private now, but I can still see her profile pic - her and her rebound on holiday together. I'm doing the 30 day NC challenge just now and I'm including facebook-snooping in that.


Another thing is that a girl I have as a friend on facebook I think has a thing for me. She likes and comments on any status update I put, any pictures I post. And honestly I'm not interested. It's really putting me off using FB because I know she will respond.


Basically I hate facebook for old and new relationships.


Haha, at least that one girl is helping you avoid it. But I definitely agree that all FB does is cause hurt during a break up, so including it in the NC challenge is a good thing!

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I de-activated mine yesterday.... i'm going to stay off Facebook at least a month.


I think that's going to be my goal as well, at least a month of not checking FB.


Right now I really have an urge to, which sucks, so I think I'm going to get off the computer for now hahah.

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I think that's going to be my goal as well, at least a month of not checking FB.


Right now I really have an urge to, which sucks, so I think I'm going to get off the computer for now hahah.


I imaigne just like NC, first days will be hard. Then it will get easier... FB is so weird anyways - Using it the past couple of months, I get all these 'updates' on peoples lives that I could really care less about.. and then from my postings, people were finding out details about me that for the most part, I don't want people to know.


Anyways, my account has been de-activated for 1 day now. Should be easy.

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I imaigne just like NC, first days will be hard. Then it will get easier... FB is so weird anyways - Using it the past couple of months, I get all these 'updates' on peoples lives that I could really care less about.. and then from my postings, people were finding out details about me that for the most part, I don't want people to know.


Anyways, my account has been de-activated for 1 day now. Should be easy.


ah good luck to you! i think i'm on day 3 or 4 now, and i feel like i'm going through withdrawal by not being able to check his page. ahh, just have to believe it will get easier!

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I'm still good. The only thing of her I'm able to see on fb is her profile pic - and I haven't even looked at that. Not interested anymore. Still use Facebook a bit but I don't post anything. How many days are we at?


Haha yay! I was starting to think I was alone in this! And according to this thread, it's been 9 days! That's pretty good, but I can never get past 10 days..usually that day is my downfall for some reason. Haha, pray for me tomorrow.

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Haha I'll be thinking about ya! Good luck tomorrow and stay strong. You don't want to have to come back and tell me you ruined it! I'll be left doing this on my own


Hahah ahh thank you!! But you saying that actually gives me motivation to NOT check FB! I don't want to leave you all alone in this, hahah but seriously what happened to all our other supporters?!

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I have had mine blocked for a few months now, but I was still hearing updates from friends. Haven't heard anything since I posted on this thread saying I'd try to put a stop to that. Don't know how many days it's been, but feeling fine to not know anything about him.


Good for you! Thanks for the update, I think this thread was feeling kind of lonely hahah.

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I made 7 days on Monday, have removed her and her friends from my news feed but then I checked the 'photos' section to see an overview of everyones photos and she had been tagged in some! MISTAKE! Back to square one. I instantly took my mind off it though to not let it get me down. The image is still scared on my memory though


Don't look at the photos section people!!

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I made 7 days on Monday, have removed her and her friends from my news feed but then I checked the 'photos' section to see an overview of everyones photos and she had been tagged in some! MISTAKE! Back to square one. I instantly took my mind off it though to not let it get me down. The image is still scared on my memory though


Don't look at the photos section people!!


At least you were able to take your mind off it quickly, that's progress!

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i haven't looked at his in almost 3 weeks...but i looked at the "new girls" last night and spent 20mins at work crying over her photos.


I hate facebook!


I know, I've seen your posts about it. Facebook is evil, you should join this challenge with us! No facebook!

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Yay! I seriously used to check it multiple times per day, but so far I've lasted a little over a week without checking. If you don't check it, you'll have less things to over analyze about and you will feel better..I promise!

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i know. The last time we split up i looked at it well over 10 times a day. I even knew he didn't have internet access at the time but i still looked! Why does the advances in technology make it worse to get over your ex? lol...waiting for texts, emails, looking a FB pages...i hate technology! lol

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i know. The last time we split up i looked at it well over 10 times a day. I even knew he didn't have internet access at the time but i still looked! Why does the advances in technology make it worse to get over your ex? lol...waiting for texts, emails, looking a FB pages...i hate technology! lol


Hahah, oh gosh, me too! One trick that I use that kind of helps me is pretending that he has a tracker on his FB.


Like something that will tell him how many times I've visited it. Hahah, I don't think he does..or if that even exists, but sometimes it helps me to think he does, because I don't want him thinking I'm a stalker. You could try it if you get the urge to check, it might help!

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hehe that's a good idea! I might try that if i get weak again.


I think i had the strength not to look at his FB page as when he'd told me he'd been talking to some girl online in Edinburgh who really liked him I asked if it was her as i'd noticed he added her a few weeks back. He called me very sad and creepy for looking at his page so i stopped.


I think i just had to see what this girl was like...curiosity got the better of me and now i'm paying for it by being upset. I showed it to my male friends at work who said she wasn't a patch on me look wise but then would they really tell me if she was? lol...curiosity is over...i won't be looking at it again.

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