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Help With Law School Admission Process

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I'm currently a senior in college and applying to Law Schools come fall. I'm scheduled to take my LSAT October 9th. This is already proving to be a daunting process for me.


Currently I've done the following:


-Made a LS resume and met with a career counselor to use it for the admission process.


-Reading up on personal statements. I'm not QUITE sure what I want to say just yet.


-Studying for the LSAT. I work in a Test Prep center and I'm enrolled in an LSAT class.


-Looking at schools that I want to apply to and reading their policies/deadlines.


-Registered on the LSAC website and read some of the information. I made a "school list."


My GPA is a 3.4 and I'm an English Writing and Rhetoric Major. I wish it could be higher, but I had a lot of terrible things happen to me last year (breast tumor, tonsillitus, break-up). Perhaps I could use one of those issues in my personal statement?


I need general help/advice on Law School and tips that anyone can offer. I could also use some advice on how to study more effectively. Aside from working in the Test Prep center I also work in the Career Planning Office at my University. So, I have two jobs and I'm working full time.



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At the point when I was applying to law school, I needed at least two professional references, so I would work on finding those persons who you would like to write their recommendations.


Personally, I think that the LSAT is more important than your GPA, and will have the greatest effect on where you will go to law school. I would study relentlessly for the LSAT because it should only be taken once (because after the first time your scores are averaged, or at least it was when I took the LSAT.) I would probably study the most approximately 2 months leading up to the LSAT but study the basic concepts now.


As for your personal statement, I would definitely talk about your experiences and how they have had a profound effect on you and their influence on your decision to pursue law school.


It sounds like you have everything else pretty much taken care of.

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It sounds like you are on the right track. I worked as an admissions officer for a college in the past. I definitely agree with


Personally, I think that the LSAT is more important than your GPA,


Whenever there was a candidate who we were on the fence about, the standardized test score was used to make the admissions decision.

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Thank you so much for the advice everyone!


My grades haven't been great this past semester, BUT I have very good reasons. This past year was a hellish fury for me. I got over being dumped when I had a tumor, had tonsillitus and a bad case of staph. I also had surgery to correct those problems.


I don't know how to turn all of those things into a personal statement.

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