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Tonight will be the first time in about 4 years I have spent a night alone in my home ! My kids are away for a sleepover so I'm all alone, very strange.


It's not that I couldn't phone up a some folk and go out for the night, but the way I'm feeling tonight I would end up getting really drunk and doing something stupid like call my ex and beg her to come back to me or pick up some random stranger just for the hell of it. And it's not that I don't have a hundred and one domestic or diy things I could be doing but I just can't get myself motivated.


When my ex and I were together time to ourselves was something to be treasured and would be spent going out for dinner and spending a lovely romantic night together. So I really feel and a loss tonight, I just want her back so much and it is going to take every once of strength I have not to contact her tonight ...... grrrr I feel like kicking myself up the backside and telling myself to grow up !! I can't eat chocolate as I'm on a diet ! Life just sucks tonight :sad:

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Well my best mate has just gone back on night shift tonight, a big bunch of my single friends have gone to spain on holiday and the others are wrapped up with their other halves !! I'm just having a bad day. Just thinking about how good it would have been to have a night off when my ex was around. It's just sods law that I get time to myself now that she is gone ! Hey hoo that's just life I guess

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Well my best mate has just gone back on night shift tonight, a big bunch of my single friends have gone to spain on holiday and the others are wrapped up with their other halves !! I'm just having a bad day. Just thinking about how good it would have been to have a night off when my ex was around. It's just sods law that I get time to myself now that she is gone ! Hey hoo that's just life I guess


My first night alone was horrible too. Looking up at the ceiling knowing she wasn't next to me . . . I think the suggestion of distraction is a good one. Even if you only half pay attention to the movie, that is half of you that isn't thinking about her


I had to force myself to do something otherwise I would just sit and think waaaay too much. I hope the evening goes by quickly and well for you.

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When I get time alone, I rent the DVD's everyone here hates. 6 pack, big bag o chips!


Playing a favourite video game, watching movies the kids aren't old enough to see yet, ordering Chinese food that the kids hate, heading out to leisurely stroll through the bookstore taking my sweet time....


There are a lot of enjoyable alone time activities to try out. Even hopping on the bike and taking a night time tour around is fun.

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lol well I have a six pack, a dvd and a bar of chocolate !! My best mate just called before she went into work and suggested a beer and a long hot bath, so I think I'll give it a try


Thx for the replies and I'm going to switch off this pc and go do something !!



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lol well I have a six pack, a dvd and a bar of chocolate !! My best mate just called before she went into work and suggested a beer and a long hot bath, so I think I'll give it a try


Thx for the replies and I'm going to switch off this pc and go do something !!




Good for you!

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