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Single dad doesn't date single moms


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I'm getting that a lot. Many people are telling me how picky I am and I need to lower my expectations. I have lowered my expectations but will not just take any guy. I'd rather be alone than miserable.



Yeah, I have a friend who pretty much has been willing to set me up with anyone. She has terrible taste in men and I would rather be alone. She just can't be alone for 5 minutes.

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I have a friend like that too. She has the worst taste in men. She's dated alcoholics, married men, abusive men, guys without jobs (I'm talking never employed men), guys who never take showers, etc. Then she'll try to match me up with one of these guys and doesn't understand I'd rather be alone than with them.

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To each their own, but I don't understand his logic. I would think generally people who already have kids can relate better from a priority stand-point. I have 2 kids (every other weekend and once a week) and even though I don't have em much I'm looking for a woman who would be patient when I do have to put the kids first (dance recitals, little league etc....down the road).


Seems like most divorced women with kids would be more understanding. However, I won't rule out women who have never married just yet.


Yeah, I don't get this guy's logic.

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I don't get it either. Everyone knows it's easier for someone who is dealing with the same thing than those who aren't. I wonder if part of the reason is so he can control a woman or be the center of her world? A single woman without kids doesn't have to put her kids before him but a mom would.

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To each their own, but I don't understand his logic. I would think generally people who already have kids can relate better from a priority stand-point. I have 2 kids (every other weekend and once a week) and even though I don't have em much I'm looking for a woman who would be patient when I do have to put the kids first (dance recitals, little league etc....down the road).


Seems like most divorced women with kids would be more understanding. However, I won't rule out women who have never married just yet.


Yeah, I don't get this guy's logic.



Yes, there is the reverse. I have never married or had children and have been rejected by single dads who feel we wouldn't mesh. I love children, but if that's how someone feels, there are plenty of single parents they can go with.

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im going to stick a fly in the ointment but then thats what i do. I am a single dad have my kid at weekends etc love her to bits and to be honest i prefer to date women who dont already have kids. The issue with me from my experience is that i have my girl sometimes they have there kids all the time. I dont want to bring up some other mans kids and a lot of these women are looking for a replacement daddy.

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im going to stick a fly in the ointment but then thats what i do. I am a single dad have my kid at weekends etc love her to bits and to be honest i prefer to date women who dont already have kids. The issue with me from my experience is that i have my girl sometimes they have there kids all the time. I dont want to bring up some other mans kids and a lot of these women are looking for a replacement daddy.


This is another reason I don't date dads, I don't want to bring up another woman's child, nor be a replacement mom.

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I guess from an evolutionary point of view, it makes sense. you don't want to invest your time and resources into raising someone else's genes.


but let me ask you this gtturbo - if you met a woman with a kid, and the dad was as involved in the kid's life as you are in your own daughter's life, would you consider dating her? ie, you wouldn't be 'replacement dad,' you would be boyfriend or maybe one day step-dad?

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If one has baggage then dating someone with baggage as well just makes that baggage squared. Why add that kind of complication when there are plenty of single women out there willing to date men with kids. I'm sure the opposite is just as true.

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