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OMG electronic toothbrush...


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place it on your clitoris, but be gentle and careful, perhaps do it with your panties on to begin with, as the sensation might be too strong for you. Remember that electronic toothbrushes arent meant to be vibes! Start out gently and work from there. For me, its great!

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Haha, this is too cute. Get a real vibrator if you want to masturbate properly. An electronic toothbrush is just so...wrong...and you could seriously injure yourself if you screw up.


If you can't walk into a sex shop yet, buy it online. They all ship anonymously. Tell your parents you're just ordering a birthday present (a "gadget") for your friend or something.


Seriously. Get a real one before you hurt yourself.

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well just wondering are you asian your member name looks asian. any way i really dont like the idea. then its like you leave it in the bathroom. i dont know dad sees it thinks mom bought it. he uses it next thing you know he is sick. it stinks with problems. get a boy friend ok. not insulting really just saying.

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Well I definantly don't agree with the idea of just getting a boyfriend to take care of it! I think 14 is too young to be doing sexual things. You have the rest of your life to have sex, why start so early when you don't know so much about it & don't know all the serious consequences. Trust me, its so worth it to wait until you are older & have more knowledge. At 14 you are still a kid, do kid things, have fun, hang out, its the the time to be worrying about sex.

I do agree with the whole toothbrush thing. I'm not really sure if thats a good idea. There could be so many germs & you need to make sure that whatever you use is very clean. You don't want an infection down there.

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Just wondering here if the ones that said "get a boyfriend" are boys?

I agree with Kel, at 14 it's great that you are taking care of your needs by yourself instead of playing roulette with your sexual health. A vibrator is a better choice but if you can't get one for some reason, well use fingers(smile). There is nothing wrong with learning how your body works and what works best to satisfy you. A woman should be able to know what pleases her before she goes out and has sex with a partner. You still have a ways to go, but you are doing the best thing in regards to your age.

Just my two cents.

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i think that people are right with the comments being made but i dont see 14 as a young age to atleast understand what is happening and how to go about things safely, i remember talking to someone who was around 15 the other day and they didnt know the meaning of contraception so i think that she is doing a great thing my opening up, coming on here ready for opinions and asking for methods of safety.


and fair enough with the toothpaste gag but i assure you there are boys or men out there with very unique methods of masterbation themselves!



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i guess your right, at least she is trying to play it safe and not go out and have sexual intercourse or something at her age. newa though, stay safe. we dont need any teenage parents or anything. i guess its a better idea to do stuff manually then get "help".

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its nice to see that you can view or at least see what i mean but i can totally agree with you, i mean teenage pregnancies are all the rage it seems, i mean i have never seen so many teens becoming prgnant, like i said though, half the people out here understand much about contraception or what ever, you know?


but i think there should be some control over ages etc even though i believe if sex was raised to a higher age, children would only rebel anyway.



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