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I want him back...


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My ex broke up with me nearly a month ago, 4 days after our 6 months. His reason was "that he hasn't loved me for 2 months", which I think is bull * * * * because he just 12 hours before that he was telling me how much he loved me. I have no idea what his problem is. For this whole month we've been pretty much NC, at the start we spoke twice on msn (the first few days), and I asked him for the money back that he owed me. He then decided to delete me off facebook which I found odd because he has ex's from 5 years ago on there. He told my best friend that he "liked to cut all ties from his ex's", yeah whatever... I got pissed off and deleted him off msn before he could delete me.


If you've read my old threads, you'll see my pathetic attempt of rebound. I tried to distract myself from him with other men, and it hasn't worked. The other night I had a D&M with the guy from one of my previous threads and he confessed how much in love with his ex he is etc. It made me realize I'm only kidding myself, I love my ex still.


3 days ago he texted me saying he put the money in my account. I said thanks and he replied with a "np" which I was really unnecessary (yes, I know I'm reading into it too much). Then last night he texted me asking for his trackies back. I've had them since the start of Feb and he wants them back now when we've been broken up for a month? His text said "you probably don't have them, but if you do could I have them back". I feel like saying "no * * * * you, I don't have them", but I want him back. I feel that if I say that I may "ruin" whatever chance I could have with him. If I give them back then at least I'll get to see him. I haven't seen him for about 2 months now. I miss him, but I know if I see him it will just make me feel worse.


Not sure what I should do, and to make matters worse my best friend thought it would be a good idea to make him jealous last week and got me to post on her fb wall (they're still "friends") and say how great my new bf is. Mind you this was while I thought I was "over" him so I went along with it. He now thinks I'm in a relationship.

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