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sex and my emotions


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Hey all. I need some much needed advice right now


I have a best friend who is like a brother to me. We've known each other for years. He has a best guy friend, who I've seen around and know of, but my best friends friend and I have never really hung out or anything.

This past week, we've all been hanging out, and one day my best friends friend(caleb) and I hung out by ourselves. I should probably mention that he is really hot, really sweet but kind of a childish guy. I'm 21 and he's 20.he has also been rumored to say that he thinks I'm sweet and hot.

I never really thought of him in 'that' way until one night we hooked up. This is was such a surprise that I did this because I NEVER have sex until I'm in a relationship and I've only had sex w 2 guys.he's apparently not very experienced either.

So basically this happened for like a few days straight. We decided that no one needs to know because we know our best friend will get weird about it.stupid but true, and I really don't want drama started since we live in a small town.


Now, we haven't really talked since I've been working a lot and he's got other things to do. We have never texted each other but he took my number just in case I guess.haven't seen each other either.

I really don't know what's wrong with me, but I miss him like crazy. We got along so well, it was like we've been dating for years, and the sex wasn't bad either.


My question is, do I really like him or is it just the emotional part of having sex w someone your not dating? I've tried to rationalize it in every way possible, saying it wouldn't work, I liked someone else before this all happened, he's too childish, he prob doesn't like me that way etc. Any thoughts?

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Wow, there are a lot of emotions tied to this situation. You said you miss him, but you don't know him all that well. I think that's probably the post sex emotional tie talking. You said get along really well, but you really haven't spent that much time with him. I'm thinking ditto. You said he was hot, sweet and childish. Do you want to pursue a relationship with this guy? Is childish okay with you? Sure, it will be messy because it's your best friend's friend. But if it's real, it's worth the mess. I would proceed with caution. Try to hang out with him a bit more and try to look at him with a bit of objectivity. Is he BF material? If you're thinking yes, then talk to him to see where he's at. Regardless of where this leads, going through this process should eventually help calm your emotional turmoil.

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I'm really just confused I guess.I've always thought he was a cool guy. We've been together in big groups before but never one on one or in a small group. I think that I'd 'like' to feel things out with him, but not sure he does at all. I mean for a 20 year old guy, he prob doesn't have relatiobships on his mind, let alone one hed be scared to tell his best friend. I guess I might just leave it alone for a while and see what happens?

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I also think I should clarify a few things


1. We didn't just hook up, we spent hours upon hours each night talking about everything. It wasn't just hook up then leave, he also stuck around after and talked more after the hook ups


2. It felt like we have known each other for years. We had no problem talking, and when I stop and think about it, it seems crazy I've only really gotten to know him this past week.

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Does he have your number? If so, and he has not contacted you, id say that it might have just been a fun fling for him. Ive been in this situation, and i know its hard


Some signs point to maybe hes interested, like the fact he stayed after things were done to chat, and that he is potentially not as experienced as other guys(id take that lightly though, guys will say anything to get in your pants). He might just be afraid of his best friend saying something.


I can tell you really like him, but you have to consider the fact that there is a higher chance he doesnt want anything else from you. It hurts, but then again you probably dont want a guy like that anyway.

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Yes, he does have my number, and has not used it. IDK what to think, it could be so many things. On one hand i wanna think maybe hes just scared of how 'he and i' will affect both our friendships with our friend. On the other hand, im thinking that he is just not interested, and only wanted sex/hook up with some emotional things mixed in.


I have his number, but i dont think ill ever use it.


I feel really hurt now though. But maybe i can take this as a learning experience showing me that i cant just 'hook up' with guys.

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