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Lock and key party?


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Question - has anyone been to a lock and key party before? If so, what was it like? Just curious of others experiences with this. Also, I don't know a lot of single females - so if I showed up alone, would that look really weird?


Thanks for your insight!

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I had a friend who went to one. She said women are given little padlocks and men are given little keys (very subtle symbolism).


You go around the party trying to find a match. Then (and I don't know if this is always the case) you can get a new lock or key to keep mingling. She thought it was cheesy but did meet a few guys that were interesting. (As I recall, not much came of it). I'm sure like any other organized singles mixer if you are willing to go along with it you could meet someone... or not.


Let us know how it goes!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am reviving this because there is one of these coming up in my area within the next few weeks. I am thinking about going, but still a little hesitant about showing up alone. Also, the one in my area is a little over an hour away. So would it be totally weird for me to go to one that far away? I can't decide. I am having a hard time meeting men in my area (not many singles here) so feel like I need to expand my horizons, but not sure this is the right way - or if anyone will take me serisously considering I will live so far away from them! Any thoughts? Thanks

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I would definitely think it would be okay to go alone. I've heard of these parties before and everyone says that they are a GREAT way to meet singles if you are single yourself, so I'm sure lots of other people of all genders are going to be showing up alone to see who they can meet.


Just think about it too - lock and key, going around trying to find your "match"? It's not really something you'd take a girlfriend or something to. You do it to find new people.

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I would definitely think it would be okay to go alone. I've heard of these parties before and everyone says that they are a GREAT way to meet singles if you are single yourself, so I'm sure lots of other people of all genders are going to be showing up alone to see who they can meet.


Just think about it too - lock and key, going around trying to find your "match"? It's not really something you'd take a girlfriend or something to. You do it to find new people.


Hey, thanks Fudgie! I guess it does make sense when you put it like that


I guess now I am just wondering whether it would be a waste of time going since I live a little more than an hour away from this place...don't want to waste my time if no one is going to take me seriously due to the distance, but there are just so few prospects in my small town.

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