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give me some insight on the one night stand


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why do people have one night stands? one reason is obvious.. but surely there are others.


is it because they want to feel wanted? is it because it's new and exciting?


why do poeple have one night stands when in a relationship with someone? that's probably a really complicated and lengthy answer, but i just want to hear something simple. specific experiences might help.


what about people who are committed to attractive people, and have one night stands with less than attractive people..this is could come off as rude, i know, but hopefully you all understand what i'm saying and don't take offense.. say tiger woods for example.. why do people lower their standards for a one night stand.. shouldnt a soley sex based relationship be based on pure physical attraction?




allll questions that have been probing my mind for quite sometime now.

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I haven't had a one-night-stand since I was a teenager, but my reasons back then were that I was drunk + horny and he was hot + willing. Not much more to it. People overthink the reasons behind these kinds of things.


As for "lowering standards" in terms of physical appearance, that never came into play for me. I've only ever had casual sex with very physically attractive men. Looks are far less important to me in relationships.

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My roommate told me the sole reason she brings guys home from the bar is because she feels lonely/unattractive/etc. for whatever reason at that moment, and the guy is a temporary fix. Even if the guy isn't necessarily all that good looking or decent, it's really just a band-aid for her emotions. I prefer to deal with my issues without picking random people up...

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The only reason I had one night stands was for sex. Find the most attractive man within range and proposition him. If for some reason he says no, find the next most attractive man, and so on. Once I hit 21 this was no longer fun.

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Never considered anything like a one night stand / seeking casual sex until my divorce 2 years ago (I'm 44). My self-esteem was in pieces and I wanted validation that I was still sexually attrative...

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what about people who are committed to attractive people, and have one night stands with less than attractive people..this is could come off as rude, i know, but hopefully you all understand what i'm saying and don't take offense.. say tiger woods for example.. why do people lower their standards for a one night stand.. shouldnt a soley sex based relationship be based on pure physical attraction?




allll questions that have been probing my mind for quite sometime now.


Because they're only living in the moment, and with that said, they don't think of the consequences ahead of them.

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I've never had one but I have friends who have done it before. Their reasons have been because they felt alone and really just wanted someone's companionship. It was the want to feel desired and needed.


i never understand this logic, don't they feel even more empty afterwards??

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Never considered anything like a one night stand / seeking casual sex until my divorce 2 years ago (I'm 44). My self-esteem was in pieces and I wanted validation that I was still sexually attrative...


These are/were my reasons exactly as well.

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I have one night stands because I want the sex without having to call the next day. or having to play nice and worry about letting him cum first.


even when I have sex with fwbs things don't flow as freely as in an one nightie. the best sex I've ever had was either on very long ltr's or sober one night stands.


I don't lower my standards (actually I drive them up and high), I don't do it while dating, I don't do it because I'm lonely or need to feel desired. I go to the doctor, I talk about diseases with my partners, I get tested and never effin ever go unprotected.


I guess I'm just a tad peculiar X p

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Well the way i see it is that when a man always has too much of a good thing they turn it into a bad thing .. get bored and decide to venture in an oposite direction, explaining tiger woods decision to go for lesser attracticve women.

in other cases, when some men get all the females they can get and then some...

they try men.



as for the one night stand thing..

there are SO MANY reasons [none which justify cheating on the person you however] as to why people do so.

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