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I really miss my ex tonight

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It's been 9 months since the breakup and over 4 months of complete NC, but I'm really missing my ex tonight. I've been trying to date for the past 3 months and I finally got a date this past sunday. Turns out that he was only looking for sex. I feel like I've been at a stand still with my healing since about month 6. I'm trying to move on but nothing seems to work. I've been having the worst luck at dating and it's making me feel even worse about myself. All i can think of my ex and how much fun we had when we first started dating and how i want to feel that connection again with someone so badly. I just keep thinking of all of our first dates in my head and how perfect they were.

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i understand how you feel. i feel the same way except im with my woman but i dont know. it just we are going thru rough times and we are LDR so its not easy for me. i hope she is doing good becuase i always had a hard time with this. i love her. you know its hard not to think about your ex but what else can you do.? work on yourself. you have any pets? put your love into them. and yourself. you only need to get better and not try to have a rebound.. then next person you find for sure is going to be bettter then your ex you know. so kep your head held up high and keep marching forward

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how about me 3 months since breakup.. been on 12 dates all losers and jerks.one stood me up the other day.


i dunno I get told on here its too early to date.. m aybe it is.But what the use my ex isn't coming back.


I wopudl fo thought 9 months woudl be a good tiem to start dating.


i feel the way you do dont' you worry

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yeah, I was stood up a month or two ago too. it sucks. I dont understand people.


the worst thing was I actually saw him before the date walking down the street and then he txts me he sprained his ankle at work LOL and couldn't make it oh my god..................


and I'd alreayd gotten into teh city to meet him the arsehole

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It's been 9 months since the breakup and over 4 months of complete NC, but I'm really missing my ex tonight. I've been trying to date for the past 3 months and I finally got a date this past sunday. Turns out that he was only looking for sex. I feel like I've been at a stand still with my healing since about month 6. I'm trying to move on but nothing seems to work. I've been having the worst luck at dating and it's making me feel even worse about myself. All i can think of my ex and how much fun we had when we first started dating and how i want to feel that connection again with someone so badly. I just keep thinking of all of our first dates in my head and how perfect they were.


I know you are lonely, but don't idealize your ex. He didn't want to marry and have kids. You want that. In the long-run, you would have been miserable.


... And he could have just left later.

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when he broke up with me he told me that if we ever got married and had kids he knew he would leave me. and he didnt want that to happen. but im scared im gonna end up all alone and with no partner and no children.


Think of it this way. He did you a massive favour leaving now and not later. Atleast you're still young. Only 25 so you have plenty of time to meet the RIGHT person that's better suited for you

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I know you are lonely, but don't idealize your ex. He didn't want to marry and have kids. You want that. In the long-run, you would have been miserable.


... And he could have just left later.


well i guess you can look at it like that.By no means am I idealizing him.I think very lowly of the scum ex.

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