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I have no courage!


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Everytime I have an opportunity to go in for a kiss with my lady friend that I'm currently seeing. I wimp out and don't do it! I can't seem to muster up enough courage to go in for the kiss. Whenever she's not around I tell myself that I'll do it the next time, but when she is near and it comes down to it. I chicken out. It's frustrating, my wimpyness keeps me from doing it. Anybody else have this problem??

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first time i kissed my other half i had wimped out a couple times. i even wimped out before dropping her at her door on our 3rd(?) date. I was walking away and I just kind of slapped myself and thought "you need to do this, she's not going to reject you".. i got over the fear and I called her phone saying I forgot something.


She came down, we kissed, the rest is history.


(good thing I did, because she told me later she wasn't going to give me another chance!)


the fear of rejection can be paralysing, but think about it... the worst she can say is "no" --- but at least then she knows what page you're on. Go in for the kiss slowly for 2 reasons : one she has a chance to stop it if she's not ready, and two it's slow-motion-romantic lol.... I doubt she'll stop you though, women very rarely do (especially if they've just been on a date!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know. I was 22 the first time I ever got kissed, and it was really nerve racking. (The girl had never been kissed either). I just said "Do you want to kiss".


You should say, "Do you mind if I kiss you".


Or put a mint or gum in your mouth and ask her if she wants a mint or piece of gum too, then ask.

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