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Why can't i cry?

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Hi, my ex broke up with me a week ago. i feel awful, i' haven't eaten much and vomited everytime i tried to eat. I feel awful, it's like butterfies to the extreme in my stomach i feel terrible. But i can't cry, i've never cried over a girl. I want to but nothing happens. I feel as if it may help. but how can i do it?

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Hi, my ex broke up with me a week ago. i feel awful, i' haven't eaten much and vomited everytime i tried to eat. I feel awful, it's like butterfies to the extreme in my stomach i feel terrible. But i can't cry, i've never cried over a girl. I want to but nothing happens. I feel as if it may help. but how can i do it?


Sounds like you are in shock. Do you normally have a hard time processing emotions?


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Talking it out with someone may relieve some of the bad feelings.

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I have an anxiety disorder. So i dont handle stress well, i have no one to talk to. Thats why i'm here.


Post your story. Let it all out. All the anger.


Avoid using harsh language as it's not allowed.


But, really writing it all down and letting out your frustrations will unbury your emotions. It will also help you come to terms with what happened and bring you out of shock.

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i had anxiety problem too, i had recovered.


you can visit link removed , it is a great website and you may find the help you need there about your anxiety. immediately you can benefit from the breathing exercise he teaches.

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I don't know what to type. I'm just sad, she told me she doesn't have feelings for me at all anymore. It was all my doing, i did all the things wrong, and i hate myself for that. I'm disapointed in myself and sad i let her get away.

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I don't know what to type. I'm just sad, she told me she doesn't have feelings for me at all anymore. It was all my doing, i did all the things wrong, and i hate myself for that. I'm disapointed in myself and sad i let her get away.


I really doubt it was all your fault.


If you give us details, we can better help you out.

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we were only together 3 months. Last year august i broke up with a girl who i dated for 2 years and it killed me i feel the same then as i do now.

i "know" what i did wrong. I never would go over to her house she always came to mine. I never went to church when she begged me to. She always went absolutely out of her way to see me. I rarely lifted a finger. I took her for granted. I was a lazy inconsiderate and uncaring boyfriend, and i hate myself for that.

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To answer your original question, sometimes it helps if you write down everything you really loved about the person. That makes me cry, anyway. If I think about what I am missing, I will cry and get it out. You can think about how lonely you feel, how you once had her love and you are now separated.


I don't mean to hurt you. I just think that might get you to cry.

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Yes, it's very hard to explain because i myself have no idea what went on with my head. I thought everyday about being with her forever, i NEVER think of girls like that but i did with this one. She was extremely nice and caring and i believe i had fallen in love. She even mentioned these things i was doing wrong earlier in the relationship but i did not act. She told me she cared for me alot but was unhappy with how our relationship was and wanted me to put effort into it. I dont know why i didn't do anything. I just didn't. I felt like she would just always be there so why bother. Now that she's gone i snapped back into reality. I've told her this but she said "i'm sorry, it's just too late." After a few days of trying to persuade her to give me another chance and her shutting me down everytime i told her if i'm to get over her she has to be gone from my life completely, so blocked her on facebook, deleted her number, erased anything related to her on my computer, threw out everything reminding me of her. All that is left is a picture of us. I can't throw this last thing away yet.

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Put that picture away. Maybe one day you can bring it back out, but not anytime soon. I feel your pain. I also did not show that I cared for her more. Quite frankly, I'm wasn't convinced she was the one when I was with her. She was very nice to me and it was very comfortable. When she did break up with me, I was ok at first but then something just went haywire. You can call it shock or maybe a bruised ego but I wanted her back so bad. That didn't happen and it's been about 10 months. I still want her back but I keep it to myself. I'm tired though... tired of holding on.


You can beat yourself up all you want but it won't change anything. I've also had problems crying all my life until recently. It's still not easy but I found a song that helps me get emotional. One day when it came on, the tears just came streaming down my face. I've got a soft spot for it ever since.


We all make mistakes. Sometimes you can correct them and sometimes you can't. Most important thing is to learn from them. I guess I kinda believe what most people say... if they really loved you, they'd would still be there with you. I know it's hard to believe and it's easy to blame yourself cause I do the same. I wish I had more encouraging words. Things will get better... it's got to.

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