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I need help

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so my bf and i live bout 45 minutes away were both in school full time at two different colleges and i have a fulltime job 7-4 he says we only have a weekend relationship becuz i dont come to his house after i get out of work i wouldnt get there til an hour in a half after i get outta work i work 30 minutes from my house. hes got class 4 days a week two days he has night classes my classes are all online but i go to school to get tutored and take tests. how can he expect me to always come to him when he could come to me too since he doesnt work and has no plans on getting a job at all (hes on disability) i need advice how can i make this work...we rly only talk through txts and barely on the phone cuz i never know when hes home...hes the kind of person when hes bored he will just go out and do nothing and he barely gets service everywhere he goes...sigh i hate this..


OH new news he tells me now hes going to be single for the weekend and go out with an old fling of his so we have free passes... * * * does that mean

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i agree he needs to grow up...but he thinks i act like im 40 yes ive been married before im only 22 hes 21 he still acts as if he a child he has no goals to grow up and take things seriously he says our relationship is hs becuz i like to be home early and not stay the night with him...i have my values and standard im considering breakup but i dont think he could rly cheat on me for a weekend it seems to be a test or something idk

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You tell him about this guy you met at work and are glad he wants to have a free pass weekend....then monday call him and tell him its not going to work out i had to much fun this last weekend and i want to see where it goes with this new guy...this guy is one of the biggest douche bags i have seen someone talk about on this forum and you act like its no big deal. Please think higher of yourself and find a higher caliber person. Unless all you want is a fluck buddy.

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I Wish leaving was that easy ive fallen for this guy its just been bad the last month hes been depressed and thats a huge factor of all this i know and are arguing but still idk


A guy is telling you he will be single for the weekend so he can sleep around. Where's the trust and love in this relationship? ZERO.


You're letting him do whatever he wants and walking all over you.

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