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pain in stomach area

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I'm currently experiencing this strange pain

it's where I would normally have cramps if I would be getting my period, except I just had it and these cramps feel a lot different.


They come and go for a few seconds at a time. It hurts to flex my lower abs or to push my stomach out. I thought I maybe just had to fart or use the washroom but I didn't do either.


I thought maybe it was a bladder infection but there is no pain when I pee or anything like that and I haven't been peeing too frequently lately.


I sit in a desk all day and this is really making me uncomfortable.


Does anyone have any idea what it could be? I know you're not doctors, but I'm just trying to get ideas and I'm going to wait it out a bit before I decide to go to the doctor if it gets worse.


If I lean back against my chair and then sit up, it hurts. Right now another cramp is just kicking in, ouch. When the cramps hit, they are very painful and I can hardly focus on anything else. It's only been going on for about 25 minutes though.

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This could be a lot of things. Gas. Pulled muscle. Appendix. Too many other things to describe.


If the pain continues to get worse and you can't figure out a reason why you are having this pain then you should call your doctor right away. If it is your appendix you will need to be seen on an emergency basis. But it is best to let your doctor diagnose you and not have us try without being able to see you and without the proper medical training.

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This could be a lot of things. Gas. Pulled muscle. Appendix. Too many other things to describe.


If the pain continues to get worse and you can't figure out a reason why you are having this pain then you should call your doctor right away. If it is your appendix you will need to be seen on an emergency basis. But it is best to let your doctor diagnose you and not have us try without being able to see you and without the proper medical training.


Thanks for the reply.


The cramps have lessened since I wrote the post, so I'm hoping it will stay away. If it comes back worse I'll go see a doctor.

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I remember once, I was having the most intense stomach cramps, my stomach felt like it was being shredded inside. Went to the doctor and had nasty gas bubbles trapped. Gave me some medicine that tasted like dish soap and I was good to go.


However another time, I had pain in my gut for two days before the doctor determined that I had appendicitis.

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Could also be a cyst on one of your ovaries. Sometimes those will hurt for a day or two and then go away on their own. If it comes back and/or gets worse go to your doctor....appendix is another good guess and you don't want that to get out of hand.

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Read the symptoms of appendicitis and see if that describes what you have. Because if that sucker bursts you are going to be in serious trouble. You want to catch that early.


Oh, and then go to a doctor.


Most of those symptoms described what I had. Except now it's gone. It still feels a little sore, but no cramps. If it comes back, I'll go to the doctor.

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The trouble with the symptoms of appendicitus is that they are also symptoms of many other things. When mine went bad the paramedics told me it is the "great pretender" of acute illness because it can seem to be so many things.


I'd really suggest you at least call your doctor to discuss the symptoms. If nothing else it can put your mind at ease if they are not concerned.

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My appendicitis took a couple of days to diagnose because I wasn't having cut and dry symptoms of appendicitis. During my two days of pain, I underwent 3 pregnancy tests even though I told the doctors I had a tubal ligation years ago. They speculated that I was having an etopic pregnancy, then it was a cyst on the ovary, then it was gas, and because I recently moved into a new apartment, the doctor said I probably pulled a muscle moving boxes, which would have been great if I hadn't had movers doing all the work.


Finally, a kind hearted patient surgeon that evaluated me at the hospital, decided without a doubt in his mind that I had appendcitis and his parting words to me were " I'll see you at 10:00am tomorrow morning in surgery".


Sure enough, the following day after my surgery, I asked him if it was the appendix, he said "yep, you were in the very beginning stages when the appendix starts pulling away from the stomach wall". Cool.....

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When both of you experienced appendicitis, was the pain on just one side?


Not at first for me. The pain was in the center of the abdomen with constant vomiting. It got to the point where i was throwing up every 15 minutes. Only later once I got to the hospital did the pain localize to the classic right side.

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Not at first for me. The pain was in the center of the abdomen with constant vomiting. It got to the point where i was throwing up every 15 minutes. Only later once I got to the hospital did the pain localize to the classic right side.


Oh, wow. That's a lot of vomiting.


I have a feeling that mine is gas. I didn't have to before, but now I feel that that's what it is. Especially since that's happened to me a lot before, just the pain this time was worse.

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When both of you experienced appendicitis, was the pain on just one side?



I didn't have the vomiting but I had the pain on the lower right side. Going from sitting to standing and vice versa made it hurt more. I did the jumping test the pediatricians always had my kids do when they were worried about appendicitis, you jump up and down in place and if you have more intense pain in the lower right side, the doctors will look further. So as I was doing that jumping test, something inside felt like it was tearing. I was pretty sure it was appendicitis but I'm no doctor so I just had to wait it out until they figured it out. Another thing that threw them off was the fact that all my blood work came out normal, no elevated white cells to indicate infection but it wouldn't have shown up anyway because the surgeon said he got it at the very very beginning before any damage was done.


HAHA....I guess I have a sensitive gut, I feel everything!

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Appendicitis will usually begin with pain in the umbilical region of the abdomen (i.e. the middle of your abdomen) and a loss of appetite. The pain will eventually shift to the right iliac fossa region as the infection progresses. It's usually accompanied with low grade fever, nausea and vomiting.


We diagnose it by taking a good history, doing a set of obs and palpating the abdomen at McBurneys Point and checking for rebound tenderness in the right iliac fossa region.


I would see how you go this evening and if you feel it's getting worse or you develop other symptoms then get yourself to hospital for a check up.

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Appendicitis can will usually begin with pain in the umbilical region of the abdomen (i.e. the middle of your abdomen) and a loss of appetite. The pain will eventually shift to the right iliac fossa region as the infection progresses. It's usually accompanied with low grade fever, nausea and vomiting.


We diagnose it by taking a good history, doing a set of obs and palpating the abdomen at McBurneys Point and checking for rebound tenderness in the right iliac fossa region.


I would see how you go this evening and if you feel it's getting worse or you develop other symptoms then get yourself to hospital for a check up.


15 Storeys, I can't tell you how much I enjoy when you respond to the health issue threads like this. I am always in awe when I read your posts.

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Appendicitis will usually begin with pain in the umbilical region of the abdomen (i.e. the middle of your abdomen) and a loss of appetite. The pain will eventually shift to the right iliac fossa region as the infection progresses. It's usually accompanied with low grade fever, nausea and vomiting.


We diagnose it by taking a good history, doing a set of obs and palpating the abdomen at McBurneys Point and checking for rebound tenderness in the right iliac fossa region.


I would see how you go this evening and if you feel it's getting worse or you develop other symptoms then get yourself to hospital for a check up.


I am very hungry! Haha, good sign!


But thanks, I'll definitely go in if it gets worse or comes back.

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