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when i first started secondry school, i was bullied alot, so i turned to selfharm,

i dint no many people, till i met this girl, she noticed one day when i walked into my gym class my scars on my arm, she asked me what id done, i said i fell but later that day she asked if it was self harm, i said it was and she told me to tell someone, i told a teacher, and it dint help, because i carride on after it, this year, shes been amazing with helping me, but then i noticed some stuff started to change, we was emailing lastnight, and she said she selfharms, i dint no how to put it, i was abit shocked at first because i never noticed anything, she said shes done it on her leg, i know many selfharmers do it on their thigh bits, but she done it on her leg, she said she was scared, she wouldent tell me why, i want to help her, but i dont want her to go the same way i did when i told someone, im really stuck, and i dont want her harming her skin, i think shes only just started, so i think ive got her at the right time before it gets worser.

advice would be helpfull

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youre already helping her by being someone she can talk to remember how you felt when you opened up to her,friends are so important in this situation and you can also join a self harmers group with her where you can share youre experiences look on the net at some of the photos of self harm personally i was introduced to a woman whoself harmed and she had no unbroken skin left on either arm and it scared the hell out of me now when i feel like harming i try to remind myself of her story so much hurt yet still helping others like me,im not saying those feelings have totally gone but for now its a start.but as i say being a true friend is your best course

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What happened after you told the teacher? I think that was a good step, but I am sorry it didn't work out for whatever reason. It is also very nice of you to want to help your friend, but be careful. You really need to be well yourself before you can help other people.

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