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Online dating is no good what other options


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hey all I'm is australia.there are a few internet sites rsvp. a few other horribel ones.


I'm attaracting sleazes, losers, old guys and just am getting nowhere.


what other options besides becoming a fitness freak do I have to meet people.


I've been on there 3 months and have met tossers, idiots, time wasters.


i just can't do this i'm 36 years old.i';ve now joined a paid dating intro service which I didn't want to do as I didn't want to spend tons of money.that will prob go nowhere . I can't see what miracle they will pull from the box.


things look grim...I'm confused over what i should do now.

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If you feel grim, things will likely be grim. I think as we have told you, when you are still angry and healing from a break-up, that can impact you in ways that even you are not aware of.


There are a lot of us on this board who have done well with online dating, so I don't think it's inherently problematic. I do think that it's very important for you to focus on healing from your ex ending the relationship you thought could lead to marriage. Frantically trying to find someone else because you can't waste time at your age is really only going to hurt you in the end.

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things look grim...I'm confused over what i should do now.


Enjoy and reap the benefit's of being free and single for awhile? You're not at all far out of your break up sunday, I think you're convincing yourself that you desperately need to replace what you've lost. Well, that's natural in a sense. But it doesn't have to be a like-for-like replacement. Take the time to focus on yourself and try and recoup some inner happiness from that. Don't put pressure on yourself to jump into dating or another relationship. It might feel like the only solution in the short term, but likely won't work out for the best in the long term.


Take care.

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Enjoy and reap the benefit's of being free and single for awhile? You're not at all far out of your break up sunday, I think you're convincing yourself that you desperately need to replace what you've lost. Well, that's natural in a sense. But it doesn't have to be a like-for-like replacement. Take the time to focus on yourself and try and recoup some inner happiness from that. Don't put pressure on yourself to jump into dating or another relationship. It might feel like the only solution in the short term, but likely won't work out for the best in the long term.


Take care.


thanks everybody I know.... i know.but I'm lonely

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Join clubs. What do you like to do? There has got to be a discussion group, book group, etc that interests you. Even if there are no available men there, its more people that come to know you that have brothers, college buddies, sons, and nephews who they would introduce you to

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Join clubs. What do you like to do? There has got to be a discussion group, book group, etc that interests you. Even if there are no available men there, its more people that come to know you that have brothers, college buddies, sons, and nephews who they would introduce you to


yeah i realise that,I joined a coffee group but wuill have to find other groups hopefully.

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thanks everybody I know.... i know.but I'm lonely


I feel for you. What hobbies do you have? Have you got a talent or passion for something that you've put to one side in recent years? Is there somewhere you've always wanted to travel to? These sort of times are perfect for re-igniting personal interests. Even things from your childhood. I recently started drawing again and it's been a godsend these past few months. The downside is that I'm kicking myself for neglecting it for all these years lol, but always better late than never.


Take care.

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I've been doing online dating for atleast 6 months now


been on about 12 dates, not had a bad date. but some i liked some they liked me. but upto now none with mutual feelings sadly. Its incredibly frustrating but at the same addictive.. just as you feel like sacking it off some one good shows interest. this time last week i was talking to 4 nice girls who were dating material but then they all stopped replying. but then out of the blue someone else asked me out. went on a date with someone last week,we got on well but i dont want to take it further. got another lined up in a week or so.


I'm 39 so at the age where most friends are in relationships or family so the opportunities to network are limited. SInce being single i've had so much spare time so chucked myself into keeping fit and doing exercise. I've got into shape and go the the gym a few times a week, i go hiking too, took up golf. i also try to go out drinking more but try not to do the same bars all the time. basically take up offers to go out to different places and try different bars and clubs. widen your horizons and give yourself the best opportunity to bump into someone new.


I'm goingto buy a decent camera and get into photography, not all photographers are old men and so might see what that brings.


how about takign up some night classes, cookery,languages,salsa classes,fitness classes,matial arts classes,hiking groups...etc even if you dont meet someone in that group, you can network and they might no someone who likes you

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