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Don't want to be a crazy cat lady.


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I live near a crazy cat lady. She is your stereotypical cat lady because she never moved from her parents house and when they died she got it. I assume she had a job but she never married. She has about 100 cats and a messy house. You know the stereotypes.


I don't want to be like her and dread it. To me these ladies are the saddest people. All she does all day is watch tv. Can you imagine ending up like her? She'll die alone.

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LOL Do you intentionally come here to post outrageous topics that will likely get a high response rate?


That woman could be happy in her surroundings, so please stop assuming. Get your head out of the gutter and face the fact that your attitude does shine on the outside. Positive thoughts are needed, not silly assumptions.

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OMG ,I posted almost the exact thing awhile back. Eh, I suppose there are worse things than having kitties and watching tv, though. At least she doesn't have to fight with a spouse or know what it's like to be cheated on or worry if she gets sick that she will be on the streets.

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I can't wait to be a crazy old cat lady. I'm gonna get a hat and a stick....


It's going to be beyond awesome.


Oh, man....just think of the gossip in the neighborhood if you put a cast-iron cauldron in your front yard as a planter.....

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How do you know that all she does is watch t.v. all day?


If it's true that she does nothing but watch t.v. all day, then yes, that is a less than productive life. However, plenty of married people live that way, too. I think you are assuming that being single automatically equals being unhappy or having an insubstantial life. There are plenty of single people, men and women, that have very full lives. You should try to meet more of them so you can put your generalizations to rest.

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Everybody dies alone.


Very true.

Ultimately, the event of death is a very personal one and only you experience it at your time. It's not something you can experience with others.

Now getting to that point, people like to be with others because they're scared but the actual act of dying? You're on your own.





Who knows? She may be perfectly fine on her own. I mentioned in another thread how my boyfriend was the "crazy dog man" when I met him. He had been single for decades before me and lived with a bunch of dogs. While he wanted to find someone to be with, his life was still relatively pleasant and fulfilling.


You have no way of knowing if she's happy or unhappy. Honestly, I wouldn't mind getting that old, having my own house, the means to sit around with friends (cats) and just keep to myself. She may be very comfortable just keeping to herself.


What I have found personally is that there is a reason why people, usually women, never marry. It's not because they aren't able to find a mate (when they look), it's because for one reason or another, they just choose to be that. Maybe out of happy choice, maybe out of depression....but it's a choice. I know a couple of "spinsters" and they are doing fine, are happy, and have lots of friends but have not and will never marry.


Nobody is forced into being alone unless they WANT to be or they somehow corner themselves into it. But there is always a way out. If you don't want to be a cat lady, that's totally fine. Just either keep going after the guy you have mentioned or keep yourself open to other men who may meet your criteria...that means going out to different avenues and such. As long as you keep yourself out there and are persistent, I see no reason for you (or anyone else for that matter) to be alone if you don't want to.

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How do you know that all she does is watch t.v. all day?


If it's true that she does nothing but watch t.v. all day, then yes, that is a less than productive life. However, plenty of married people live that way, too. I think you are assuming that being single automatically equals being unhappy or having an insubstantial life. There are plenty of single people, men and women, that have very full lives. You should try to meet more of them so you can put your generalizations to rest.


So true so true.


My aunt falls into the crazy cat lady category and she's lived a very full life, simply choose not to marry because she didn't like her suitors. She was a professional, hardworker, had many close friends, and acquired several cats, has two houses (her best friend left her her house). Well she's really known as the super religious aunt, but that beside the point. LOL

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LOL, I used to be terrified of that. I'm 28, and in my area, people have long been married. I'm now in the bracket of men who are divorced with three children. And I'm like, 'Hey! I'm still in my 20's! I should have a better selection than this!'


So, yes, I've contemplated the very true possibility that I may be single forever. The saddest part is never getting laid again, truthfully. I also want to have a kid some day, but my fertile years are drifting from me. Anyway...once I confronted the notion that I might be the cat lady, it stopped being scary. Except I don't really like cats all that much. But I would love to be the dog lady, and live on a dog plantation, and just have a hundred dogs for pets!! Dalmatian Plantation!


Tell me that doesn't sound really really cool?


Plus you get to think of all the fun things you'll yell at the neighborhood kids when you're waving your broom around. I think I might act crazier than I am just to freak them out.

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How do you know that all she does is watch t.v. all day?


If it's true that she does nothing but watch t.v. all day, then yes, that is a less than productive life. However, plenty of married people live that way, too. I think you are assuming that being single automatically equals being unhappy or having an insubstantial life. There are plenty of single people, men and women, that have very full lives. You should try to meet more of them so you can put your generalizations to rest.


Amen....stop judging other people and live your own life however you want to!

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She's a cat lady because she never met the one. She tried and finally just gave up. That's why it's sad. Nothing against cats, I have one (a dog too) it's just she's sad because she never found love.


You've talked to her? Because if that's true, gosh, that is sad.


I stress the importance again of not giving up.

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Yeah she mentioned she had never married and regretted it. I said I was sorry and she kind of blamed God (which is ironic since I do the same). She met a guy she loved, but for some reason he could never commit (for some reason I think he was married but not sure). After him she tried to date other guys but could never meet the type she wanted. To be honest, talking to her it scared me because even though she's older, that could be me in several decades and it scares me. What if the one I love never comes around and I never meet another? What if I meet a guy with traits I hate (kids for example) and this is the only guy I have a chance with? Very scary. Of course getting married and having kids doesn't always mean you'll be happy either, but just very sad.

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I don't know that to be true. Her sisters both found men. One had 6 children and remarried in her 50's. Her other sister also remarried. She could have found someone she was an attractive woman, and she's the thinnest of them all. She just opted not to take on marriage. It's having to take care of another person in some people's mind and they don't want the responsibility.

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You're 28 so there are still many single men out there. You also have time to have children so I'm sure you'll be fine. I hear you on the divorced dads with kids though. I've told my parents that the reason I keep clinging to the guy I love is because he's a never married 43 year old Italian Catholic with no children who shares me values and morals. Pickings are slim as one gets older.

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