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Another OUCH!!

He's probably marrying her because she's pregnant. Even if that isn't the case, he's marrying after 6 months? I seriously doubt that will work out - and that's very sad for the baby, if no one else.


Try to remember that this isn't a reflection on you. This is about who he is. I know that's easy for me to say - but it's still true.

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Yikes! That sucks, but I do believe justice will be served. Think of the big picture. Right now, it looks like he's getting it all while you are suffering. But someday, YOUR ship might be coming in while his is leaving the port, so to speak. You never know...they could end up divorcing at the same time you are getting married to the love of your life. Hang on and don't assume it will last forever, because nothing ever does.

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after 5 & 1/2 years, i dont even think a person (you or him or someone in general) should even BEGIN to start dating until MAYBE the 6 month mark (i just got out of a 3 year relationship, and i'm going to give myself AT LEAST 6 months-- maybe 8 months or 1 year... you need some time to HEAL- even if you were the dumper-- even if it was mutual. you need time to be single, regroup, & focus on YOU.)


i think it would be unwise of him to even be in another committed relationship so soon,

and he is already engaged & expecting a child within 6 months of ending a long term relationship? i would pity him if i were you-- the child alone is going to add an enormous amount of stress to such a new relationship. even by the time the baby is born, they will have been dating for how long? 15 months at the most? and even disregarding the baby, that is a poor decision to get engaged less than 6 months after 5 & 1/2 yr relationship has ended!


i know it doesn't take away the pain. i cant imagine if i heard the same thing about my ex. id be sick to the point of... well, there is no comparison. just know that he is not thinking and it will probably all blow up in his face. if i were you, knowing that might help me some.


hang in there *hug*

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thank you for the hugs. I know I'm better off.. the man doesn't even have a job. She was married to his friend and slept with her behind her husbands back and now that she is divorced they are together.. its a very jerry springer situation.. I am happy to be removed from it but it doesnt take the string of "Well we were suppose to have a family togeher" feeling ya know?

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thank you for the hugs. I know I'm better off.. the man doesn't even have a job. She was married to his friend and slept with her behind her husbands back and now that she is divorced they are together.. its a very jerry springer situation.. I am happy to be removed from it but it doesnt take the string of "Well we were suppose to have a family togeher" feeling ya know?


I know that feeling all too well. My ex of two years, who talked marriage and children with me in late May, met someone in June and left me in early July and the whole "We were supposed to have a family together" part hits me harder than anything. I was prepared to make that commitment and then it was shattered. And that isn't a commitment you just wake up and make one day.


Hang in there

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Dont worry you look hot from your avatar and you have enough sense to be here...so im sure you'll find a good man that will dwarf your ex in more ways then one.


I was going to say the same thing. If that is you in your avatar, you are hot and will have no problems finding someone who will love you better then your ex.


And ya, hes getting married because he got some girl pregnant. Thats one train wreck of a relationship.

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