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I don't trust me Girlfriend, but i should. help


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Well we have been going good latly. However I just don't trust her since I heard rumours that when I was out of town she was seeing another guy. But I pursued that, and found out someone just made that up and it made me feel so bad, cause I hurt her so much when she thought that I thought she would do something like that.


But ever since then I have not been able to trust her. I don't know what to do. I love her so much. Yet everytime she is not with me, I feel like I need to know what she is doing, who she is going out with etc. Am I being to 'full on controlling' or what?

How can I shake this feels that I can't trust her. I know I can, cause she wouldn't do that kinda stuff... However she does flirt alot, and guys get the wrong ideas aswell, maybe thats why... But I still feel like I cant trust her... HELP...

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I can tell by your letter that you can trust her. If you were in that position, she would trust you. When you go out together, does she pay a lot of attention to other people. The truth is she is insecure and she is doing all this to make you feel jealous and unstable. The reward she gets is you worrying about her all the time. She thinks that if you are not worrying about her then you don't love her. She needs more attention from you, but she has a funny way of asking for it by pulling away. She wants you to chase her.

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I have been there before and it sucks. I had a long distance relationship and I was crazy about her. I couldn't get it out of my head! I imagined her with someother guy and she would sometimes flirt with my friends when she visited. What fixed the situation was when I told her that if she didn't stop being flirty then I would leave. That fixed things pretty good.

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