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God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.


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Someone just told me that. I love a guy but not sure if/when he'll be ready for a commitment. A friend repeated that exactly, to show me that sometimes HE knows what is happening. I hope he doesn't run away, because in my case there aren't many guys who are still single at my age without kids (I am 39) who share the same values and morals.

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I don't agree or disagree. God also gave us "free-will" to make decisions as we please. And so ultimately a relationship ending is something of free will and unless some unnatural force or prayer caused the break up to occur I don't know if it's so much of God removing the person from our lives, but more so US doing it. And I do think that the overall message your stating is correct--if something doesn't work out very well--then sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone.

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Haha...one of my friends just posted this on Facebook. Very, very good quote.


As far as free will is concerned, I like to think of it as God influences us and/or the situation so that we can see what is really going on and we either leave the person or they do something to end the relationship. So while we ultimately have a choice, we are guided to do so for a reason.

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I need to ask a question to all of you.


How many of you believe in destiny? God? when it comes to love, relationship and marriage. The final one, with whom we spend our entire life.

Is it Destined?

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I need to ask a question to all of you.


How many of you believe in destiny? God? when it comes to love, relationship and marriage. The final one, with whom we spend our entire life.

Is it Destined?


I think everything is destined, but we don't always know it. Of course I wonder why many people don't end up with "the one" and either wind up divorced or unhappy.

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May be, they were destined to be sad.

This is so mean. I don't think God would be so cruel, its all what we think. its inside our mind. We can get what we want, but if we want someone who doesnt want us, then we should let it go. but, we cannot expect something to come to us, just by leaving it onto destiny.

So, mabbe its time to say goodbye to destiny beliefs

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May be, they were destined to be sad.

This is so mean. I don't think God would be so cruel, its all what we think. its inside our mind. We can get what we want, but if we want someone who doesnt want us, then we should let it go. but, we cannot expect something to come to us, just by leaving it onto destiny.

So, mabbe its time to say goodbye to destiny beliefs


Maybe it was so God could teach some people a lesson. We may not know the reason but could be many things.

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I need to ask a question to all of you.


How many of you believe in destiny? God? when it comes to love, relationship and marriage. The final one, with whom we spend our entire life.

Is it Destined?


I truly believe everything happens for a reason, Im just confused on the why some things happen.

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I need to ask a question to all of you.


How many of you believe in destiny? God? when it comes to love, relationship and marriage. The final one, with whom we spend our entire life.

Is it Destined?


I don't believe in God, but I believe in something. Some kind of power or higher energy.


I also believe in destiny, not 100% because there is no proof, but I like to believe it is true.

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Funk, i think there is some truth in it, but i have a hard time with it sometimes because it seems the dumper is often happier afterward than the dumpee, so it often doesnt feel like 'protection' when they are off with their new love and we are alone. but maybe its something we arent aware of yet. something that hasnt happened yet.

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Funk, i think there is some truth in it, but i have a hard time with it sometimes because it seems the dumper is often happier afterward than the dumpee, so it often doesnt feel like 'protection' when they are off with their new love and we are alone. but maybe its something we arent aware of yet. something that hasnt happened yet.


Or when (we've all seen this happen) a very bad person dumps someone very nice (or just does evil things like cheat) then they find someone else great. Or how about the nasty people who never have a hard time finding someone while the terrific person does. I don't get it.

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hmm I don't know !! I can totally accept that I can and have learnt some lessons from my last relationship and I have alot of stuff still to work through. So the principle of destiny, which is there to teach us the lessons we need to learn I can understand. But when does it stop ??? When will I find somebody to grow with, somebody to learn the lessons with, rather than having to split up and have to learn all the lessons on my own ? I am so fed up of having to do everything on my own. I know we never stop learning but I just want somebody to grow with. Is that too much to ask ??? Who knows !!

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I believe in consequences.

I used to be religious, but I stopped believing in an entity. I'd say I am more agnostic and I admit that I simply don't know if there is or isn't one, but with the science in our hands now I'd say the latter seems to be more true.

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Going back to the topic at hand...


We choose to be with the people that we associate with, free will is given to everyone regardless of your religious affiliation. If a person has left your life, wish them all the best.

As a friend shared with me:


Not all relationships are meant to last forever. We sometimes out grow our partners, or our partner goes off in a direction which makes us struggle to stay in step with. Sometimes, the most responsible thing you can do is to offer love and compassion to the person as you release the relationship. and also:


Turn away from the "blame game" when it comes to addressing problems in your relationships. Be honest about the things that you have said or done that harmed the relationship. Own up to your own failures. Focus on changing your defeating patterns rather than expecting changes from the other person.


We choose the path we are on, just like people choose to leave... it is human nature. I like the quote, but let's not take it beyond the original meaning.

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Whenever someone has walked out of my life inexplicably (friends or lovers), I have always seen it to be for the best much later. Likewise, when I have walked out of someone's life, I have always seen it to be for the best much later. It all came down to us going in different directions and making drastically different choices.


Really, I think when ANYONE leaves you inexplicably, it's wise not to chase them because.....you're chasing someone who doesn't want anything to do with you or your situation. I think it has less to do with a higher power or things that are out of our control, and more to do with acting in your own best interests.

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I am new here so bare with me if I am not posting correctly~


I have been reading thru many posts that seem to all fall along the same lines...Wanting to understand why someone has left us for whatever reason it maybe and what do we do about it.


I completely agree with the statement that GOD sometimes takes someone away from us for our own protection or to perhaps teach us something or maybe them. (Been there several times) but what I can not understand is why have them come to us at all? Better to have saved our hearts and not have them in the first place?


If something or someone is that hard to get/keep, they are not worth having in the first place and that is the message HE is giving to us but we don't want to listen because our hearts are hurting.


If you truly want to know if this person is the right one, NO CONTACT whatsoever is the absolute way of knowing if it was meant to be. They will contact you if they truly miss you...AND when they do, it is said that they may fall right back out of it within 3 months. (Also been there many times before) I am there now and more mad that it happened again.


As hard as it is, and believe me I know. I am attempting to distract my time this time by being here so I don't make the call. Come here and chat with others going thru the same as you and just be patient. HE is working in his way NOT ours so patience it really a virtue here. WE can not make things happen...Let it be naturally!


I am at the back together stage only to be going thru it once again unexpectedly. THIS time, I am going to wait and let go and let God. Forcing things to happen the way YOU want them to might work for a short while but you very well might end up where I am now. Lets all learn from that mistake.


Be patient and listen!! It really is for your own good. No matter which way the end is....


Ok, I am still hurting and mad and confused but that helped. Thanks for letting me share. Hope I was of some help....

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  • 1 year later...

Sometimes there is no why things just are. No amount of me asking why is going to change the fact that they left and if that person really wanted to be a part of my life they would have made it and effort to be there.

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