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Would you be less attracted to a guy if you found out that he slept with prostitutes?


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A man who has had unprotected sex with many partners but never visited a prostitute could also still give his wife/partner HPV that could result in cervical cancer.


Then that is just as bad and another irresponsible behavior. But there are other aspects about visiting a prostitute that make it worse and other posters pointed them out.

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A man who has had unprotected sex with many partners but never visited a prostitute could also still give his wife/partner HPV that could result in cervical cancer.


A man who has sex with one person could give his next partner HPV. However, the more partners you have, the higher the risk of contracting. As someone else said, prostitutes typically have sex with multiple people each day. One could have more than 10 each week. Even the biggest man (ahems) I know don't have sex with 10 girls each week.

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Then that is just as bad and another irresponsible behavior.


Even if the man had been in a monogamous relationships with all these women?


A man who has sex with one person could give his next partner HPV. However, the more partners you have, the higher the risk of contracting. As someone else said, prostitutes typically have sex with multiple people each day. One could have more than 10 each week. Even the biggest man (ahems) I know don't have sex with 10 girls each week.


Yes I'm well aware that it can be passed on with only one previous sexual partner and yes, I know the more partners that you have the greater the risk.


But I don't think the HPV is a particularly good example to bring up because the very same thing could arise with someone who had never been with prostitutes regularly.


In fact it all comes down to sexual behaviour and practices - there are many people (men and women) who do not practice sex safely, engaging in risky behaviour but not paying for the sex they have. They're arguably just as bad as the men using prostitutes... In fact some of the men using prostitutes will be practising safe sex in terms of barrier methods.


Of course then there's the morality of visiting prostitutes which is a whole other area...

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Even if the man had been in a monogamous relationships with all these women?


In fact it all comes down to sexual behaviour and practices - there are many people (men and women) who do not practice sex safely, engaging in risky behaviour but not paying for the sex they have. They're arguably just as bad as the men using prostitutes... In fact some of the men using prostitutes will be practising safe sex in terms of barrier methods.


Of course then there's the morality of visiting prostitutes which is a whole other area...


In a monogomous relationship, you still have to use protection until you make sure of them being clean or just not have sex with them until you know they are clean. With women particularly, it is possible to do so. Besides, we all know that you can get an std from even your first partner, but like every other thing in life, we are talking about chances and probabilities here. Any act that is too risky is not considered good.

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In fact it all comes down to sexual behaviour and practices - there are many people (men and women) who do not practice sex safely, engaging in risky behaviour but not paying for the sex they have. They're arguably just as bad as the men using prostitutes... In fact some of the men using prostitutes will be practising safe sex in terms of barrier methods.


Exactly. Also to the people who think it is kind of pathetic if a guy can't get laid that he has to resort to a prostitute...and therefore must have low self-esteem...I can argue that many promiscuous men and women also have very low self esteem and are rather desperate. How about the men and women who will say anything to get laid..they will charm the pants off the man or woman, lie through their teeth...doesn't say much about their character. As for a man's view of women...do you really think that men who engage in FWBs, FBs, one-night stands or "we have been on the first date, can I get laid now", really respect women...they too are viewing those particular women as just a penis receptacle. It doesn't matter if they are visiting a prostitute or getting laid by some stranger at a bar, or calling up their "friend" saying "I am horny now can you service me"...the behaviour pattern and attitude is the same.

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Context is everything. The guy that admits he's done this but isn't necessarily proud of it or planning a life of it is capable of a healthier relationship than the guy who tells you he hasn't when he actually has. It is easier to deal with being lied to but you're with a liar and will get hurt another way by him down the line. Obviously you cannot know who is lying or not but this is food for thought.

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Well, there are guys who get to be older virgins, and feel insecure about it. In those cases, I think it's fine to use a prostitute, but normally I think you should pursue a normal sexual relationship instead.


Is it better to be 40+ years old and have slept with only prostitutes, or 40 years old and a virgin? I think most women would prefer the guy with sexual experience, even with hookers.

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Well, you see, that's the difference between men and women. Men think that women mean ALL sexual experience, so we figure that it's fine to lose your virginity to a hooker.


So are you saying that the guy is still a virgin, even if he's slept with prostitutes? Or that that experience doesn't count?

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No, he's not a virgin if he slept with a prostitute...I'm saying that MOST women don't like that and are grossed out if he admits that he has slept with a prostitute. It's one thing if you have girlfriends and sleep with them...it's another story if it's a prostitute. It's out there in some polls. Even on this thread alone...there's your answer.

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If prostitution were safe, legal, and affordable, I'd use it and it alone...but it isn't, so I have to keep finding FWBs. And that's a lot of work. It's too bad, I think it'd be a lot easier on the women in my life.


Bertdru--have you considered coming to America, my friend?

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Well, you see, that's the difference between men and women. Men think that women mean ALL sexual experience, so we figure that it's fine to lose your virginity to a hooker.


So are you saying that the guy is still a virgin, even if he's slept with prostitutes? Or that that experience doesn't count?


He's not a virgin if he's gone to a prostitute. But, the sexual experience isn't a good one.


When a person goes to a prostitute (or a one night stand), it's for selfish reasons. They want to get their jollies. It teaches them nothing about pleasing a woman or being a good partner.


I'd by far rather have a guy who has had one long term partner, or no partner at all over a person who has many partners that were all one night stands or short flings. A person who has had to please a long term partner for years will probably understand how to give and receive in bed better. And a virgin will most likely be very easy to mold to my sexual needs.

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He's not a virgin if he's gone to a prostitute. But, the sexual experience isn't a good one.


When a person goes to a prostitute (or a one night stand), it's for selfish reasons. They want to get their jollies. It teaches them nothing about pleasing a woman or being a good partner.


I'd by far rather have a guy who has had one long term partner, or no partner at all over a person who has many partners that were all one night stands or short flings. A person who has had to please a long term partner for years will probably understand how to give and receive in bed better. And a virgin will most likely be very easy to mold to my sexual needs.


Okay, I understand what you mean now.

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Someone mentioned Charlie Sheen. Don't forget about Hugh Grant. Or Eddie Murphy. They sure don't have problems finding someone after being publicly caught. Although I'm sure being rich and famous helps..........


I don't think it's necessarily that they're rich and famous (although that might be the appeal in them), but it's that it's not a big deal, if you admit that you have a problem and that you want to change.


I don't know the history behind these men sleeping with prostitutes or numbers of women, but I do know that a lot can be forgiven with love. If you genuinely love a person, you will put up with a lot of crap.

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Phew. That was a lot of hate messages for something that didn't even happen. I guess I will stay a virgin till my thirties.


IMO, I think that's better than sleeping with a prostitute.


Or you could find someone to be with.

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Phew. That was a lot of hate messages for something that didn't even happen. I guess I will stay a virgin till my thirties.



You can get somebody it's just going to take some effort on your part. Instead of worrying about finding a woman to have sex with. Work on your inner and physical appearance. Have fun being single, work on getting in shape, just work and be happy. The right type of woman will come along eventually... It's better than losing your virginity to a woman who doesn't want to sleep with you and just want your money..

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Yeah, um, sex can be free if you're willing to just put some effort into having a good relationship with a normal woman. But if you're lazy or selfish, yeah, go to a prostitute.


Yes, I am instantly completely turned off by the idea that a guy I'm seeing has slept with a prostitute. It tells me that he sees woman as a vessel to spill his seed, and that's it. Plus, there aren't many legitimate brothels in the US that require STD testing. That's just nasty.

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You can get somebody it's just going to take some effort on your part. Instead of worrying about finding a woman to have sex with. Work on your inner and physical appearance. Have fun being single, work on getting in shape, just work and be happy. The right type of woman will come along eventually... It's better than losing your virginity to a woman who doesn't want to sleep with you and just want your money..


It isn't easy. Did you read my OP? This city is not conducive to such relationships. Unless you are rich or something and you can get upper class women.

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