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I tried to contact my ex after 6 months of being in no contact and I was sad to find that he has blocked me on email. 5 months ago, I could still email him. I also sent him a friendly message on facebook but I don't think he uses it anymore. He deleted me on FB quite some time ago but hasn't blocked me. My ex got into a new relationship right after breaking up with me,maybe even before. He broke things up between us because of long distance and told me not to contact him anymore because of his new gf. He also told me to get rid of his number, I did not but have not contacted him via phone. I don't know if I should send him a friendly message on his mobile or just stop at the facebook message which I already sent which he may never read. I feel sad that we can't at least be friends after all that we shared. In the past few months, I was doing so well and now that I have sent him a message on facebook, i have regressed a bit but I have always felt that I would never know If I didn't try.

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He has someone in his life, and like it or not, you have to respect that and stay out of it. For their sakes and especially, for your own. It sucks but you will feel better after some more time passes by. 6 months have passed... maybe you should give casual dating a try? To keep your mind off of your ex for a while?

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He has someone in his life, and like it or not, you have to respect that and stay out of it. For their sakes and especially, for your own. It sucks but you will feel better after some more time passes by. 6 months have passed... maybe you should give casual dating a try? To keep your mind off of your ex for a while?


I agree with this ... he asked you not to contact him and then he's blocked you in several ways. Take this as permission to move on. You can find new friends and a new guy to date. Best.

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I guess that I'm going to have to accept that and move on myself. Its still hard to let go.


It's always hard. We've all been there. But it's the only way to ever be happy again. Realize that there are billions of other people out there that you have yet to meet.

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Some people can easily have friendships with their ex's without any problems and then there are those who just can't be friends - for whatever reason.

He has asked you to stay out of his life and while that might be unfair or hurtful, you need to respect that request and most of all respect yourself. If someone doesn't want you in their life, why force the matter?


I know how you feel, believe me, I have been there; the best thing you can do for yourself is to live your life and try and make yourself happy. You will be happy, and there will be a time when you meet some other amazing guy who will completely sweep you off your feet.

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