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I find it hard not to reply

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Im able to keep NC at my end pretty easily and say to myself "I cant wait to ignore her" etc but when she does send me a text I find it hard not to reply.


I don't know why. I just feel like im being mean by giving her the cold shoulder and just even feel more bad because she is obviously trying to be friendly or whatnot and I know it will kinda upset her if I ignore her... (at least make her angry anyway lol but im sure she will feel a little dumb/gutted that I dont reply)


Ive felt the best ive ever felt over the past two weeks since the breakup and can say im almost over it - although I will probably end up seeing her at least once in the next couple of weeks which will probably set me back (We have mutual friends) so I want to keep up NC and just avoid her as much as possible but I just feel bad for not replying.


I say to myself that she doesn't dserve it, that shes been selfish in recent times and I have told her that im on a thread with her being in my life - and she did sleep with a guy multiple times right after the breakup and then deny this which hurt me really bad... this kinda makes me feel better about it but any other words of wisdom to tell myself WHY I shouldn't reply even if she is being friendly???

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I am on day 16 of mine and she hasn't tried to contact, which is good because I am not ready. I started a plan last week to set myself goals I had to accomplish before I would respond, perhaps that would help you too? You can justify that I need to get X,Y,Z done before I respond.


I don't know that is the right way to go in your situation, you have to choose for yourself if you can handle talking to her but I like the idea of responding with some accomplishments under my belt that I feel good about so I am in a better position and feel confident.

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