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How do you enjoy/accept being SINGLE?


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Personally I work on ways to better myself because for some reason I get too involved in the relationship when I'm in one and it takes over too much of my life. I need to work on my independance so that doesn't happen in the future.

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Yeah I know that I'm still young and I have so much to look forward to then sit around and worry about something I cannot control.


Yes, you are still young! There's so much in life to enjoy on your own. It's just takes getting used to. You've already experienced being a loner, so it shouldn't be too difficult. I think what you're really asking is how can you enjoy and accept being yourself? If at your inner core, you enjoy solitude and spending time alone, then don't feel guilty or ashamed about that. Anyone who truly loves you will accept you for who you are.


So start by making a list of all the things you love to do on your own. Then prioritize the items you know are the most feasible and that would make you the most happy. Lift your own spirits. Then you will bring this inner fullness to any future relationship.


You're correct that you have no control over this situation. So make do with it and do the best you can. Sometimes accepting being single is like going through the stages of grief. First you're in denial, then you're angry, then you try to bargain, and finally you learn to accept things as they are in the present.


I've been in an out of long-term relationships my entire adult life. I was in a great relationship in my 30s and engaged to be married, and I've been single all through my 40s. Neither state is better or worse than the other. You're on the road to acceptance. Enjoy the journey.

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  • 2 years later...
how do you get to that point of acception? I want to accept the idea that I am single and that I may always be....
you can start having acceptance by not allowing other people to tell you that the only way to be happy is to be with someone.
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