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Interview questions that gets me stumped every time...suggestions??

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I have an interview tomorrow. I have been unemployed for a year. I need to secure a job and just need some insight on a couple questions, that get me stumped.


1) What have you been doing while you have been unemployed? I cant lie and say I have been taking courses...so what can i say?


2) Explain how you stay organized


3) Explain a situation where you had to meet a deadline


Just looking for some examples how I can word it. Obviously I would use it to my own situation, but sometimes during an interview I get stuck and cant find the words. I do know that organization is a big thing with companies, so I am trying to find the right words for that. They want to know how I am going to stay organized.

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Well what have you been doing while unemployed? What is the honest answer?


Things you do to stay organized include writing things down, using a personal calendar, setting reminders up either in a planner or electronically, developing task plans, keeping a neat desk, filing things by subject, and so on.


The deadline question is asking you to relate a personal situation. So think of a project where you had to meet a deadline. What was the project like? Did you meet the deadline? What kinds of things did you do in order to make sure you met the deadline?

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Honestly, the answer is I have been looking for work, but this economy is so hard. Where before when I was unemployed before, it took me a month. There are people with masters degrees applying for entry level jobs. I have been applying, and got some good interviews. I am told I am lucky because some people arent even getting interviews. And I have a 4 1/2 year old son, and he is only young once so between interviews have been taking him/picking him up from school (have shared custody) but need a realistic answer that doesnt make me sound bad.

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Honestly, the answer is I have been looking for work, but this economy is so hard. Where before when I was unemployed before, it took me a month. There are people with masters degrees applying for entry level jobs. I have been applying, and got some good interviews. I am told I am lucky because some people arent even getting interviews. And I have a 4 1/2 year old son, and he is only young once so between interviews have been taking him/picking him up from school (have shared custody) but need a realistic answer that doesnt make me sound bad.


Don't moan about the economy or say that's the reason you don't have a job, because it suggests you play the blame game. Keep it positive. Say you have been networking in your quest for employment, and you have taken the time to improve your health or sharpened up on skills, and have spent time with family. Also, be forward thinking. Say, if its true, that you are signed up for a saturday class at the adult extension center or community college in something to learn something you have always wanted to try or that would improve your computer skills, etc.

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Don't moan about the economy or say that's the reason you don't have a job, because it suggests you play the blame game. Keep it positive. Say you have been networking in your quest for employment, and you have taken the time to improve your health or sharpened up on skills, and have spent time with family. Also, be forward thinking. Say, if its true, that you are signed up for a saturday class at the adult extension center or community college in something to learn something you have always wanted to try or that would improve your computer skills, etc.


No, i def wont blame the economy. Improve my health in what ways? working out at the gym??

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I agree with abitbroken.

It is important you be positive (at least not negative) in your answer - whatever you choose to say.


If I was the interviewer I would question #1 for the following reasons

1) To understand how the candidate works under pressure e.g. bad economy - Does he keep his cool and keep on working hard and trying?

2) To see if he has used free time productively and if he got something out of it (I don't want to hear - I put on 20 pounds with all the beer I have been drinking). Something that says you used the time in a good way - either training, classes or spending time with family (but mention job search too)

3) now when it comes to job search - you can be honest and say 'I have been networking and looking for the right opportunity and explain how this particular role is right for you'


As for the other two questions you will have to come up with examples from your past life (career preferably).


Walk with confidence (not arrogance) and wish you all the best. I think you will get this job.

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Honestly, the answer is I have been looking for work, but this economy is so hard. Where before when I was unemployed before, it took me a month. There are people with masters degrees applying for entry level jobs. I have been applying, and got some good interviews. I am told I am lucky because some people arent even getting interviews. And I have a 4 1/2 year old son, and he is only young once so between interviews have been taking him/picking him up from school (have shared custody) but need a realistic answer that doesnt make me sound bad.


Well then the answer is you have had a full time job looking for a job. Tell them you've been working hard to find the next career that is a good match for the employer and yourself. That's the truth so that's the best answer.

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I won't lie, I kick butt on questions #2 and 3 when I'm asked.


But I also work in a field that requires a ton of organization and is all about deadlines. That said, think about how you keep even your day-to-day organized. How do you keep track of social engagements? How do you keep track of things you need to do at work? I personally keep an online task list at link removed, divided into several pieces, i.e. short-term, long-term, personal, committees, etc.


For the deadline piece - what field do you work in? Are deadlines not common? Just trying to give you some ideas.

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1) What have you been doing while you have been unemployed? I cant lie and say I have been taking courses...so what can i say?

Pick something you already know how to do and pretend you learned it (or learned it better) while unemployed, by reading technical books and using online sources. If asked, you can say you didn't take courses because you're independent and prefer to learn on your own, and even though you weren't employed you were eager to improve your skills so you could use them to advantage at your next job.


For "How do you keep organized" - if you know how to use any computer program that does scheduling/calendars, such as Outlook, or an Excel spreadsheet calendar that you once made, now's the time to brag about that. Even if your actual system is nothing more than scraps of hand-written notes crumpled up in your pocket

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I agree most of all with what avman wrote below: You have had a full-time job looking for employment. I just want to say I don't condone lying at an interview, but I'm thinking of types of responses that the interviewer may view as positive, and if these apply to you then they would be good to use. Best of luck. -mfan

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