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I'm stalking my ex on Facebook again. I quit doing that for a while but when my friend texted me about his posts and said she thinks he's missing me, I started logging into his Facebook again since I know his Facebook password.


I logged into his Facebook just now and found out he's going to see this one gril from NC. She lives 2 hours away from his place. This is his second attempt to see her. They are not in a relationship yet. She also just broke up with her boyfriend two months ago.


I'm just really tired now. I'm really tired of crying.

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i know the feeling, i could log onto my ex's facebook if i wanted to but i have found out that it only bring pain even looking at their page.


it has been over 2 months since we broke up. a week later she was in a relationship with someone else. I have only heard from her once in that time (kinda a weird message but i think it was to get a different reaction out of me then what she got) and i know that there will only be one reason to look again and that is when she come to try and win me back. until then i am single and going out and having a hell of a time (which i think is the main reason she sent me a message, she had been going to look at my facebook)

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i know the feeling, i could log onto my ex's facebook if i wanted to but i have found out that it only bring pain even looking at their page.


it has been over 2 months since we broke up. a week later she was in a relationship with someone else. I have only heard from her once in that time (kinda a weird message but i think it was to get a different reaction out of me then what she got) and i know that there will only be one reason to look again and that is when she come to try and win me back. until then i am single and going out and having a hell of a time (which i think is the main reason she sent me a message, she had been going to look at my facebook)


I try not to log into his Facebook. I stopped for a few weeks then log in again. I don't know how to forget about him anymore. It's been more than 2 months since we broke up. Sometime I don't miss him at all. I think he's never gonna come back to me again.

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Why do you keep torturing yourself? Honestly, why?

Tell your friends to stop giving you "useless" updates on what your ex is doing so that you can move on with your life and get over him. Unless your ex has specifically told your friend that he wants you back, tell your friends NOT to tell you anything about your ex.

Deactive your FB account or block him and then continue doing NC.

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Why do you keep torturing yourself? Honestly, why?

Tell your friends to stop giving you "useless" updates on what your ex is doing so that you can move on with your life and get over him. Unless your ex has specifically told your friend that he wants you back, tell your friends NOT to tell you anything about your ex.

Deactive your FB account or block him and then continue doing NC.


I know . I know. I'm so stupid sometime. why do I still want someone who doesn't want me anymore. I know his Facebook password, so it's a lot harder to forget.Should I let him know that i know his Facebook password and he should change it?


I'll also tell my friend not to tell me anything about my ex.

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don't tell him because he will then know you have been going on it. that will only make things worse for you. i know it is hard but you just have to be strong and maybe when you think of going on his page have something else you will do instead, like go for a walk, call a friend for a chat, something like that.

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Hi Wai,

I am sorry you are going through this, but I am sure it is a "fall-back" because of those status updates your friend told you about the other day.

Please do not check his facebook... think about it this way, why are you checking? To find out if he has someone new already, why would you want to know?

Don't be in a rush to hurt yourself. You don't know why he may have added that new person, or may be meeting someone new but she is a support person for him etc. You will always think the worst and go through hell just by seeing a new name on there.


You need to find a way to stop going on there. Also, if he found out you still logged on as him, he would definitely not want you back in any way!

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Hi Wai,

I am sorry you are going through this, but I am sure it is a "fall-back" because of those status updates your friend told you about the other day.

Please do not check his facebook... think about it this way, why are you checking? To find out if he has someone new already, why would you want to know?

Don't be in a rush to hurt yourself. You don't know why he may have added that new person, or may be meeting someone new but she is a support person for him etc. You will always think the worst and go through hell just by seeing a new name on there.


You need to find a way to stop going on there. Also, if he found out you still logged on as him, he would definitely not want you back in any way!


Thank you Kia. I will try not to log onto it again. I was a bit emotional to find out like that. I hate his friends. They want him to get a girlfriend and kinda helping him out to find one ASAP. I was nice to them when I was with him. I knew them through him but still I'm their friend. I feel like I'm being betrayed.

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don't tell him because he will then know you have been going on it. that will only make things worse for you. i know it is hard but you just have to be strong and maybe when you think of going on his page have something else you will do instead, like go for a walk, call a friend for a chat, something like that.


Thank you. I'll just try to control myself. your suggestion makes perfect sense. I shouldn't tell him that I know his password.

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I know . I know. I'm so stupid sometime. why do I still want someone who doesn't want me anymore. I know his Facebook password, so it's a lot harder to forget.Should I let him know that i know his Facebook password and he should change it?


I'll also tell my friend not to tell me anything about my ex.


Wai you are not stupid, and honestly I feel that you are only doing these things because you are hurt. Your hurt because your feelings for him were REAL. And you know what, that's okay. If someone were to ask me if I still loved my ex, I would say yes. However, I accepted the fact that she's gone. I have been following your story, and I think as time goes on, you will eventually feel a lot better. Just keep venting and pushing forward.


For the record, I, too use to stalk my ex on FB. What helped me out was that I started a new hobby, something that distracted me from even going on FB let alone the internet. I suggest if there is something you've always wanted to try, go for it. Besides, if your ex did want to come back to you someday, wouldn't you want to tell him about all of the awesome things you did for yourself while you guys were apart.

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Thank you soul. your advice made me feel a lot better. I'll try to keep myself busy. I'm waiting on my immigration status. When it's done, I can work legally. So I'll be busy pretty soon.

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