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Can you smell garlic on yourself?

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My boyfriend came to bed last night after eating garlic for lunch. The smell was absolutely rancid. It radiated from every pore and I couldn't sleep because of it. In the end I made him go take a shower and use some mouthwash. It still didn't do much because it was coming from his throat and sweat glands.


This got me thinking. Is it possible to smell garlic on yourself? I eat a lot of it (3-4 times a week) and I've never been aware of any smell. It's only been this week that I've stopped eating it out of paranoia and I'm hesitant to want to start eating it again because I don't want to stink like how my boyfriend did last night. It's actually very scary to think that I might have been smelling like that for some time.

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It definitely comes out in your pores so it goes beyond breath, that's for sure. I can smell it on people at the gym who are sweating - and I've tasted it on past gf's too (and I'm not talking breath here).

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I heard a story once about a research chemist who was investigating some compound or other which, for whatever reason, made HIM smell of garlic - though this was due to chemical experiments rather than food. If he went on public transport, he'd try and sit next to the most Latin-looking person he could see!

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I eat garlic like it's going out of style. At least half a bulb a day, if not a full bulb. It's great for blood pressure amongst an assortment of other things.


Mind you, I'm also single and would reevaluate if I were seeing someone...

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I have heard that if you and your SO both eat garlic, you cancel each other out -- you can't detect it on yourself or your SO.


Dunno if this is a myth or fact, but since both my husband and I love the stuff, it's not a problem.


Although the cats do wrinkle their noses a bit......

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Oh wow, I had no idea and I LOVE garlic, I eat it all the time. Just to think that I've been smelling of it for some time now, lol, that's kind of gross.


I guess it's kind of like when you have body odor because I know this one guy who stinks really bad when we go out- so much that I'm embarrassed to walk by him- yet he doesn't seem to smell it on himself because he does nothing about it.

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I have heard that if you and your SO both eat garlic, you cancel each other out -- you can't detect it on yourself or your SO.


Dunno if this is a myth or fact, but since both my husband and I love the stuff, it's not a problem.


Although the cats do wrinkle their noses a bit......



I usually cook with a lot of garlic and he eats whatever I make, so normally we both have it. You're right because I've never noticed a bad smell when we eat it together, just when I stopped and he ate it without me. I asked him whether I ever stink when I have it by myself and he said "yes, but I have tact, so I don't tell you."


I'm actually more concerned about smelling bad around other people, like at work or around friends.


Why does it have to taste so good?

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