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Yup, yup. He did.


It happened last night. We were on AIM, and our conversation was going swell. I thought everything was okay... That his distant behavior was because he was stressed out over his broken car and other financial issues. The night before that, I asked him if he likes me and he told me yes. So we were talking about random stuff and suddenly, he dropped the bomb...


He was telling me that he was "just not feeling this", that his life is getting screwed up and it's keeping him down, that he feels that we won't last. And this was the guy who in the past told me I was "nearly perfect", that I was pretty, funny, that he couldn't believe someone like me would talk to him and like him, etc etc. And although I understand that feelings change, it just makes me feel a little upset that the other night, we were okay and he told me he likes me, but then after that night, it was a complete 180 turn for us.


So, I told him that I like him, that despite his financial struggles that I like him (he felt inadequate that he couldn't drive me anymore), that we can get through this... He was basically all like, "I'm just not feeling this. I just don't think we'll last."


So, putting on my big girl panties, I told him that I understood, to please take care of himself, and that I wish him nothing but the best. He told me the same and that I was "such a cool girl", etc. And that was it. I logged off of AIM, feeling shocked and distraught, and told my parents. They became a little upset about it, and my dad became a little angry and was all like, "What friggin' bull crap is that, I mean, a broken car and having no money is no reason for him to just dump you like that all of a sudden. Everybody has financial problems, he need to suck it up!" and you know, basically them trying to make me feel better.


Despite all of this, I'm not too terribly hurt, just a little let down. I shed some tears while watching something on TV when everybody went to bed. I thought we were gonna be in it for a while... Sad I couldn't sleep that night, only managed to get 5 hours of sleep. I woke up this morning (a first for me for a long time), and I felt like a sleep-deprived zombie. Right now, I'm feeling a little better, but yeah... In 2 weeks, no matter what happens, I'll be moving to Texas to start a new life. I am just a little hurt that THAT new life I wanted couldn't be with him.


Well, there you go. Fire away some feel-good advices, I'm always happy to hear them.

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dumped over AIM? that's tacky. ugh. you're better off without him. the move will do you good.


Yeah. It's kinda funny the way I see it:


"Vert, you're pretty, you're cute, you're funny, you're sweet, laid back, comfortable in her sexuality and a great catch. I like you... Oh, by the way, you're dumped."



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Well that sucks. Sorry to hear. Hopefully you feel better. At least if it was going to happen it was 2 months in, instead of dragging out for a while. Really if you're moving to Texas in two weeks it would have been really hard to maintain a relationship with him. Maybe he saw that and it was part of the reason he felt it had to end?

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Well that sucks. Sorry to hear. Hopefully you feel better. At least if it was going to happen it was 2 months in, instead of dragging out for a while. Really if you're moving to Texas in two weeks it would have been really hard to maintain a relationship with him. Maybe he saw that and it was part of the reason he felt it had to end?


I never told him about the move. I told him that I was probably gonna move out of my parents house to live in the same town as him strictly for this one school I wanted to go to.


2 months isn't long and at least I didn't wasted two years on him. That would suck.

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Dumped over AIM? That's why the kid's got low self-esteem - I'll bet you he's been called a loser over the way he handles things and wound up believing it. Thing is, part of me thinks he SHOULD believe it, dumping someone over AIM. Jesus that's cowardly.


Honestly, I kind of saw this coming when you had asked about how to boost his self-esteem. People like him are EXHAUSTING and I really think you dodged a bullet with this one. This guy did you a favor. He just SOUNDS annoying to be around. I'm still sorry you're feeling bad, vert. PM me all about it if you like.

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Don't really have any advice for you because let's face it, you don't need it. But I will say that wow --the way you have handled this, you're a class act. I tip my hat to you.


He, on the other hand... meh.


Yeah, you did put the big girl panties on and took it on the chin like a champ. Kudos.

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Yeah, you did put the big girl panties on and took it on the chin like a champ. Kudos.


I sent you a PM, REPLY!


Honestly, Vert, you're better off without him. His crippling lack of self esteem was weighing you down. Over time, he would have exhausted you with his constant insecurities.


Turns out he was right, he didn't deserve you.


Take care of yourself and feel better soon!


Aw, this made me smile real big just reading that. Thank you so much, I needed that.


Don't really have any advice for you because let's face it, you don't need it. But I will say that wow --the way you have handled this, you're a class act. I tip my hat to you.


He, on the other hand... meh.


LOL thank you. I could only wish he grew up a little, but I guess I can't waste anymore time on taking care of a baby.

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