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Hokai so there's this boy that I liked... for a long time. I knew he liked me too and so I geared up to ask him out. Only somebody beat me to it by a measly two days, and he said yes.


It's been three months now- I still like him, and they're still dating. I haven't told him I like him but I know for a fact that he likes me- he's drunkenly told me before.. but he's also happy in his relationship, which is really confusing for the both of us.


I've had a tumultuous past when it comes to relationships and I've only really fallen for someone this hard once in the past... so I don't really want to give up- but at the same time I don't want to make things difficult for him.


We chat and we flirt but... it's getting to the point where it physically hurts to see him. I think I might be falling in love.


But I don't want to make things difficult for him by telling him I like him or... I dunno.


Should I just... keep on keeping on? Should I talk to him? Should I back off a bit? I don't know what to do, I don't want to wreck his relationship with his girlfriend- the same situation once happened to me with the boy told me how he felt and.. I wouldn't really wish that confusion and second guessing on anyone.


But at the same time- I don't want to lose him. I would do anything to be with him- but.. what if he's with this girl for a year or more?


Argh, I don't know, I guess I'm just looking for some objective advice. Thank you!!


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I understand how u feel. I went through this situtation and I waited and waited for this guy to dumped his girlfriend but 2 years later and they are still going out. Me and him are best friends though and i suggest that for you. Just continue being friends with the guy that way you get to see him. He may or may not ever go out with u but it's up to u if u want to continue to wait for him or not. I suggest that u don't wait for him to love u but just continue being his friend. I hope that helps.

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