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And it bugs me. Just got back from a camping trip with my aunt and this exchange student living with her (we met twice before). I had a week to make a move and figure her out. We were talking flirty trash to each other all week. Got in a few proper conversations, i was dropping casual compliments on her most of the time. Showed appropriate physical contact, enough to show her a nice hard to miss banner saying "Hey, I'm definitely interested. Come on over and take a piece of me". I have a nice gradeschool crush on her. What i cant figure out is if her responses were just the way she is or if she's crushing back. As i said i cant read her and it bugs me. On the plus side it's only a concern when shes around. Maybe once every few weeks does my family and my aunts get together so we wont be seeing too much of each other.

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You should be more like 'k i've got nothing to lose, and ask her out'


You can only keep up the flirting to a certain point, but in order to go to the next level you need to use something more decisive. Especially because time is short, you'll regret it if you don't take it to the next level quickly.

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