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Amazing the garbage my ex spews from her mouth...

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If you don't know my situation, long story short she left me for another guy we were supposed to get married, she left me the first month we got our first place, yadda yadda yadda.


Anyway got a girl on fb who I'm friends with who posted this:


M said: "I think people need to appreciate love more!A lot of people are breaking up and it is just stupid!Like really appreciate love more!"


I posted: "I think we need to appreciate and respect our partners, even in the tough times be that shoulder to lean on. I think we also need to look at our partner and just show them how appreciative we are to have them in our lives. I think everyday we need to do something that shows our partner how much they mean to us in our lives."


My ex posts: "I would have to agree with A_Ghost (blocked out my real name) on this one! But every relationship is a lesson and it just preps you for when you really do find that special someone who you can just really connect with and spend the rest of your life with. I'm not saying... I'm a relationship guru, far from it, but I have learned some important lessons in the past and I do my best to apply them to the future. Not all relationships work out - some people just aren't compatiable but some don't work out because the people involved don't take the time understand or be patient with one another. I love Dana and that's all the matters right now. I have never been happier and I don't think I ever will be happier and I think that's mostly thanks to what I have learned from the past so although my past relationships have ended they weren't in complete faliure. I appreciate the love that had once been shared between me and others because they ultimately have allowed me to grow as a person. So you can appreciate love even after it is gone."


Are you serious? Relationships are only for you to use? Wow amazing...

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Not on my wall, but my friend's wall. It's hilarious really.


What do you guys think of her advice?


she clearly has no idea what the concept of love actually means. It's funny how she claims this guy is the best thing ever, funny how she said to me a year ago...

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I think there is a point to it. You should take the good and bad parts of relationships that don't work out and apply them...it's growing and being better for it, and working on things you may be doing to sabotage them.


It looks like she took a pretty simple idea and tried to be poetic about it, which makes the whole sentiment awkward that she posted. But she is confusing a situation she learned from as "love" IMO.

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What do you guys think of her advice?


she clearly has no idea what the concept of love actually means. It's funny how she claims this guy is the best thing ever, funny how she said to me a year ago...

She used you, man. And you're right, she has no clue what love really is. You, this new guy, relationships, probably everyone in her life is just there to give her what she wants. And when she realizes that you're not giving her what she wants, she has no more use for you. Really, it's the opposite of love. Love is giving your life to others, not using others for your own life. Pathetic. I'm sorry you had to get tangled up with someone like that. Live and learn. You'll be fine.

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I think there is a point to it. You should take the good and bad parts of relationships that don't work out and apply them...it's growing and being better for it, and working on things you may be doing to sabotage them.


It looks like she took a pretty simple idea and tried to be poetic about it, which makes the whole sentiment awkward that she posted. But she is confusing a situation she learned from as "love" IMO.


Well I understand the point, but it's the way she approached it and how she used that point.

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I think your hurting and need to move on shes happy but yet you hold on and torment yourself like this. Any real friend wouldn't be enabling you to do this to yourself their just enjoying the drama. Who cares what she scribbles on a FB wall forget her and find some one better...

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The only part i found funny is that she's claiming how happy she is with Dana, loves him so much and has never been happier. I'm sure she felt that way with you and maybe someone else too. Who is to say her current thing isn't a relationship to "learn from". She's sooo sure of it now, but it could just as easily come crashing down tomorrow. When we are in love we always make fools of ourselves I guess. That's the only part I found stupid and or funny. She is right you do learn from past relationships.


Also, do say all that garbage in a reply to something you said is bull * * * * . You'd thing she'd have a little common sense and compassion to pass on commenting after you on that subject.

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This may be a bit insensitive, but she does have a point... And I don't know if she intentionally meant to hurt you, but what she said is correct for many people. Additionally even if loving "Dana" is just in the "present" and could any day change, doesn't that go for a lot of relationships? When you love someone, there is no guarantee it will last, there is no guarantee that your needs and wants won't change over time and that inevitably that will lead you to end the relationship. So even if she only loves Dana NOW that does not mean that she has no real concept of love. Rather it just means that right now she *feels* as though she is happier and more in love with him than she's been in other relationships. And she feels as if those other relationships have led her to be in the "place" that she is now.

Yes it was harsh that she rubbed that in your face. But honestly I see nothing wrong with what she said and I also don't think it means that she doesn't know what love is.

Ask the average person how many people they've loved, how many hearts they've broken and many will attest to at least a few people... It doesn't mean they don't know what love is nor does it mean that they are childish.

I honestly think you should stay away from FB and any other communication outlet that she frequents. And just move in with your life. Because honestly she does seem happy, and I know it's hurtful and a slap in the face, but the biggest favor you can absolutely do for yourself is to accept it for what it is. And stay away...


I'm sorry

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