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Here's your chance to send little waveseer back out into the world of dating!


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Hi All,


It happened way faster than I could possibly imagine, I have a date after focusing on improving myself for over a year! I gave eharmony another chance and I'm glad I did whether this man turns out to be for me or not.


Since I need a question to make this topic appropriate, would you like to offer me any advice or wish me well?


Everyone here has helped me relieve my burdens and become ready to relate again. Thank you so much.



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Excellent! I'm happy for you.


Two essential ingredients: (1) Be yourself, and (2) Go with the flow.


That's great advice, I will take it to heart, thanks.


And don't respond to comments with "That's what she said." Be real, be genuine and remember that humor shatters the ice.


haha, that's what he said, lol

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Congrats!! The only advice I'd have to give is... don't seem too eager! It might get exciting, you might feel butterflies... and if you do, go with the flow and go ahead and feel it, but don't get all gushy. Do NOT overly thank him (once is enough), do show appreciation though if he is a gentleman (again, don't over do it though). Must importantly, take it for what it is... one date. You may never see him again and you must be okay with that going into it! Keep it light, keep it happy. Have fun!!!


Now go, and report back to us

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Relax, don't panic. I see a lot of people ruin potentially good situations for themselves because they hit the panic button. Nerves get the better of them and they wind up doing something that scares the other individual off. Be calm, cool and collected. Be yourself, act like you can't fail at this because you can't. It's a win-win situation, either way. If you go into it like you're walking on egg shells, the tension is going to well up inside and eventually you're going to pop. Be chill. Be you.

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Congrats!! The only advice I'd have to give is... don't seem too eager! It might get exciting, you might feel butterflies... and if you do, go with the flow and go ahead and feel it, but don't get all gushy. Do NOT overly thank him (once is enough), do show appreciation though if he is a gentleman (again, don't over do it though). Must importantly, take it for what it is... one date. You may never see him again and you must be okay with that going into it! Keep it light, keep it happy. Have fun!!!


Now go, and report back to us


You make excellent points. I am feeling more settled this time around, more relaxed and less like I need to tell everything about me right away. You are absolutely right, one date is all it is.


You can expect a full report.

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Relax, don't panic. I see a lot of people ruin potentially good situations for themselves because they hit the panic button. Nerves get the better of them and they wind up doing something that scares the other individual off. Be calm, cool and collected. Be yourself, act like you can't fail at this because you can't. It's a win-win situation, either way. If you go into it like you're walking on egg shells, the tension is going to well up inside and eventually you're going to pop. Be chill. Be you.


I am giving your advice careful consideration because I know I've scared off at least a few men by being too nervous and running my mouth. Thank you for the reminder.

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Good luck. My advice is to consider the first date as more of a meet n greet. It's more so you can meet in person to SEE if you want to have a real date. This helps keep expectations to a realistic level. Be prepared for one or both of you not to feel a spark and to be ok with that.


Have fun!

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Wave!!!! Bravo! I am so happy for you. I can just see in your writing that you're in a better place now, and I wish you the best! My advice is that if you are interested, let him know. By that I mean don't do all the talking, ask about him, things like that. Smile, maintain eye contact, and have fun!

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Waveseer - I tok just went on my first date. I think the reaso. It was so enjoyable was because I went I to it with zero expectations and made sure I didnt compare my date to my ex. I just looked at it as I was just going to spend 2 hours and enjoy someone this new company! Have fun and let us know how it goes.

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Where is this date going to be?


We had dinner out, yup it already happened.


Good luck! I think everyone's given good advice.


I'm eager to hear how it goes!


It went great, nice man, adorable, warm, friendly, candid, the whole works!


Good luck. My advice is to consider the first date as more of a meet n greet. It's more so you can meet in person to SEE if you want to have a real date. This helps keep expectations to a realistic level. Be prepared for one or both of you not to feel a spark and to be ok with that.


Have fun!


We both felt a spark, already set the next date, texted him when I got home, so far so good.


Wave!!!! Bravo! I am so happy for you. I can just see in your writing that you're in a better place now, and I wish you the best! My advice is that if you are interested, let him know. By that I mean don't do all the talking, ask about him, things like that. Smile, maintain eye contact, and have fun!


I didn't do all the talking, he held his own just fine. We both asked questions, we know someone in common very well, we were both all smiles, yup, it was fun!


Awww; good luck!


Thanks, I think I had great luck!


Waveseer - I tok just went on my first date. I think the reaso. It was so enjoyable was because I went I to it with zero expectations and made sure I didnt compare my date to my ex. I just looked at it as I was just going to spend 2 hours and enjoy someone this new company! Have fun and let us know how it goes.


I'm so glad your date went well. I am a happy camper tonight.

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Tremendous! Doesn't it feel like a new chapter has opened in your life? I'm so happy for you!


Thanks, yes it does seem like a new chapter, or maybe even a whole new book!


yay, this is great to hear!! hope it continues to go well waveseer!


Thank you, mah, I hope so too. I feel very fortunate to have had a positive experience right out of the starting gate.

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