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What should i do and how should i react?


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Hello, maybe some of you have seen my earlier posts about the topic: Is this normal? Turns out that my girlfriend did cheat on me and she said to me that: "do not contact me in any way, just leave me alone, i don't want to argue with your parents and neither do you, i am sick of you running around with your family, so for your interest, take your belongings, go to your place, and don't ever call me again, I'm sorry, but it's over!"


So when i was spying on her with my messenger status in offline mode, i saw her theme on the top and saw a heart and my ex girl's picture and some other jerk's picture with a heart in the middle. I was frustrated, i was mad, i was mad about that i trusted her, that she would go to her female friend's place and stay there.


2 days ago at night i called her and asked wheter her friend was with her, she said that i didn't trust her. Until i found out from the friend herself that my ex didn't answer any calls, and that she suposed to go the friends place, as instead she chose a some jerk to spend 3 nights with. SHe switched off the phone for about 3 hours, then i finally got a hold of her, and said, okay, i might have underestimated you, i might have overreacted, but still i love you and care about you.


Next morning she suposed to come home by bus, but she said all the time, that the buses aren't going to town and that she was trying to get a lift to town. I mean, i am not stupid, i know when a human is outside, or inside a house, she lied to me right in the face. But I didn't react to it.


She blames me for the breakup, she blamed me for choosing her (Although she came to me in the first place) , and she blamed me for my parents not co-operating with her, and hating her (a point to the hate is: she stole my mothers wedding ring, no wonder)


I supported her in many ways, worked long hours, earned some money, made her happy, we even had a pet with us, and all was well besides that she had done 3 abortions in just a year ( you can find more info from my last topic: Is this Normal?) '


I mean, i Loved her, and still do, but i can't be with a cheater right who blames me in everything? That's just wrong, anyways, my family was relieved to her that i broke up with her and told me to move on with my life. But i got so obsessed with her, and i loved her.


WHat should i do to keep my mind off of her? SHall she come back to me (is it likely that she will)? What should i do?


BTW! i'm not an American, Neither Canadian, Australian, Britt, I'm just a 19 year old boy with a broken heart from Estonia, many ppl have asked me how do i write in almost perfect spelling, and talk with the best grammar: Answer, i was born in England, near London, and I have upgraded my skills in English by dealing with IT, and Electronics every day. I'm the best English speaking pupil in my entire school.


Thank you all, for sharing your answers with me,

Best regards:


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I hate to be blunt, but move on.


Hang out with your local friends. Get in touch with old friends. Keep yourself busy. The hardest time of your life will be the next month. The most dangerous thing you can do is sit alone, doing nothing, thinking about the relationship. Bottom line is:


She cheated on you. She lied to you. She abused you and what you gave to her. She never appreciated what you did. The sooner you can realize that its not your fault, forgive her for treating you like dirt, and move on with your life, the happier you will truly be. There are plenty more girls out there that would be interested in you.. Classy girls that will be trustworthy and respect your family.

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I hate to be blunt, but move on.


Hang out with your local friends. Get in touch with old friends. Keep yourself busy. The hardest time of your life will be the next month. The most dangerous thing you can do is sit alone, doing nothing, thinking about the relationship. Bottom line is:


She cheated on you. She lied to you. She abused you and what you gave to her. She never appreciated what you did. The sooner you can realize that its not your fault, forgive her for treating you like dirt, and move on with your life, the happier you will truly be. There are plenty more girls out there that would be interested in you.. Classy girls that will be trustworthy and respect your family.


I organized a date for myself tomorrow to move on with my life, i read this program in the breakup section i did some of them and i must say, i feel better, so as long as i'm not thinking of her, and since i finally got it out of my system, i might be as sound as a pound. BTW, the new girl used to be my ex and she was willing to help me out and be with me and be loyal to me, i hope i wont step in the same bucket of * * * * twice in just a week. I mean, i am attracted to many girls who are a litle younger than me but they look atleast 3 times better than my sudden EX , so i'll see what will happen and ill keep you guys posted, let's see what happens.

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Just be careful about emotional attachments right away. Give it some time before you jump into something else.. especially with an ex. I went rebound after rebound once in my life.. being in three bad emotional committments in a row does NOT end up well.. especially when there is no time in between. I thought that moving on right away would be smart.. turns out that when you're alone for the first time, they alllll hit you at once. Don't make my mistake. Give it time. Have fun. Be single for a little while.. but don't chuck every option away. Take them slow.

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Just be careful about emotional attachments right away. Give it some time before you jump into something else.. especially with an ex. I went rebound after rebound once in my life.. being in three bad emotional committments in a row does NOT end up well.. especially when there is no time in between. I thought that moving on right away would be smart.. turns out that when you're alone for the first time, they alllll hit you at once. Don't make my mistake. Give it time. Have fun. Be single for a little while.. but don't chuck every option away. Take them slow.


i Just want tobe commited with someone all the time, it's like an obsession, i can't tell you how i feel about my ex that just dumped me, but i have strong feelings for my next date, i just can't be alone one second, getting a new date asap is helping me to get rid of any left behind feelings from my ex

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Those are rebounded feelings.. trust me.


It sounds like we both have the same sort of problem.. I hate being alone as well. When I don't have some sort of "girl" to talk to, not even being physical with, just talking, I feel alone. I can have all of my friends together, hanging out, but I still feel alone. I know your time alone SUCKS. However, if I can give you any piece of personal experience, I would take things slow with your ex, and consider why you broke up the first time before you commit again. Life has a tendency to repeat itself, and some times people truly don't change.

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she stole my mothers wedding ring


You could have saved yourself a lot of typing if you'd just written this.


This is so over the top I can't find words for it. This is a bad person and you want her out of your life.

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