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Is off for the weekend! *dances*


L has had a headache for the last two days, poor guy. He's gotten an early night both nights in an attempt to get rid of it so we talked on my way to work both days so he wouldn't have to wait up til 4:30 after my lunch break to go to sleep. But today I was on lunch and noticed I was getting a call... and it was from L! He had woken up and decided to surprise me with some talk time.


Well, I made it to the gym 4 times this week. Now just gotta keep that up!


I also bought my niece's birthday gift - she turns 2 March 9th. I can't believe she's already 2!!! Still feels like yesterday I held that 5 lbs. 1 oz. baby, 35 week born baby girl in my arms for the first time. I'm going to cry if I keep this thought process up... lol. Anyway, I got her this:


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Doesn't make noise or light up - I know my best friend will be happy about that - and it was only $10 out of my budget. She's worth it. I also picked up some more flowers to work on the aisle decorations. Found them in the discount aisle - score!

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Thank you. I hadn't seen him in a while, it's really hard for my mom. And I can't stand to see her cry - like it literally sets me off into tears if I see her crying. So if it's Sunday I'm kind of glad Tyler will be going, keep me occupied. I don't go into the viewing rooms of funeral homes- I find that whole concept so morbid. I refuse to see anyone I knew in life in a coffin, even my own mom I wouldn't walk in that room. I remember the summer after my 9th grade year going to the viewing of a fellow classmate who hung himself and having nightmares for weeks afterward. I'd rather remember how they were in life.. not what they look like lying cold, dead, and pale in a coffin.

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I made Jasper a facebook. No lie. I'll correct that, L and I made it. He'll deny it but he had a hand in it. It mostly came about after he snapped this picture:


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No, I'm not naked. I have a strapless shirt on. And yes, I realize it looks like I'm killing my child. It makes me giggle every time I see it though.

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Aww, thanks RW! It looks like I'm squishing him but I wasn't. He's so silly sometimes. And L has been torturing him. L will play a youtube video on his end of kittens meowing. Jasper breaks the F out. The first time he did it I was in the bathroom and I heard kittens and I was like, 'what?' I walk back into my room to see my cat sniffing around the speakers - were the meowing is coming from. He's not stupid though... L tried it today and he looked at the webcam like 'I know your game daddy. You aren't pulling that one on me again."



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You scared me then...


lol. It really wouldn't have been a shock if it had been the phone...


Aww, I love Jasper's expression in that pic!


Oh no, does the mouse work now?


It didn't. Poo. But I went out and bought a purple wireless mouse - it looks so pretty!!! - and it's so much more comfortable than the one I had. And I can use it when I get my laptop from L in October.

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Yeah I don't see much difference. I spend most of my dates talking my bum off anyway.


I do think it will be a big adjustment (bigger than most) when you actually move in together because you've been LDR for so long. But still, you can get through that. No biggie. Just give it time.

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It def. will be an adjustment, neither of us deny that. And it probably will be more adjustment than a normal couple moving in together. But I have faith we can make it. Being LDR our communication skills are pretty good so I think that will help that transition, being able to sit and talk through problems and not jsut let them fester.

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I've all for people really getting to know eachother before getting married, I've been a bit suspicious of some people who have got married when they clearly know nothing about eachother. But from what you've written on here it's obvious you both know eachother really well and you seem pretty intelligent and wouldn't be stupid enough to marry someone you didn't think is right or didn't know well enough. Of course it will be different when you live together (it would be for anyone, LDR or not) but you clearly love eachother and communicate well, I'm sure everything is going to work out so well for the both of you!


And yay for the new mouse! Keep it away from the Pepsi

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