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Lady: "This is wallpaper dated back to when the house was originally built in the 1800's"

Me and my mom: "Oooooooo!"

Lady: "It depicts the Revolutionary War-"

Me: *burst into a fit of laughter.

Lady: *looks at me funny*

My mom: "Her fiance's side lost that war."

Me: *continues to giggle for like five minutes*


you two should get married there for this reason alone.


I'm sorry to hear about your family friend. hugs.

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I love the front of the house! It looks awesome!


I'd have to see more of the inside though to see what's wrong with it haha


I know! It sucks so much that it's right next tot he road....


I'll post some in my next reply


you two should get married there for this reason alone.


I'm sorry to hear about your family friend. hugs.


lol, I know, right? The poor woman probably thought I was crazy.

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Comment anyway UMA! That's why we have it!


Just in response to thejigisup's posts, I was going to comment that it's possible for an individual to be happy regardless of their marriage. Obviously, if you're in an abusive relationship or being disrespected, you're likely to be miserable. But generally, married people can be happy just as single people can be happy. Because happiness lies within and isn't dependent upon your marital status.

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Just in response to thejigisup's posts, I was going to comment that it's possible for an individual to be happy regardless of their marriage. Obviously, if you're in an abusive relationship or being disrespected, you're likely to be miserable. But generally, married people can be happy just as single people can be happy. Because happiness lies within and isn't dependent upon your marital status.


But I don't know any happy married people...never have. I know all of my friends are jealous of me because I am single and free. We are the sum total of our experiences, aren't we? My friends always have to ask their husbands if they can go out to dinner with me. Now, I know that is just being kind to hubby, but it's like they have never grown up and have to ask permission to see me, to spend money on anything, or to plan a vacation. I am the captain of my ship and I like it that way. I love my bf to bits, but as he says, "You are the world's best gf, but you would make a lousy wife." I agree wholeheartedly.

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But I don't know any happy married people...never have. I know all of my friends are jealous of me because I am single and free. We are the sum total of our experiences, aren't we? My friends always have to ask their husbands if they can go out to dinner with me. Now, I know that is just being kind to hubby, but it's like they have never grown up and have to ask permission to see me, to spend money on anything, or to plan a vacation. I am the captain of my ship and I like it that way. I love my bf to bits, but as he says, "You are the world's best gf, but you would make a lousy wife." I agree wholeheartedly.


But that doesn't mean your experiences sum up the entire married population of the planet.

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But I don't know any happy married people...never have. I know all of my friends are jealous of me because I am single and free. We are the sum total of our experiences, aren't we? My friends always have to ask their husbands if they can go out to dinner with me. Now, I know that is just being kind to hubby, but it's like they have never grown up and have to ask permission to see me, to spend money on anything, or to plan a vacation. I am the captain of my ship and I like it that way. I love my bf to bits, but as he says, "You are the world's best gf, but you would make a lousy wife." I agree wholeheartedly.


But you aren't actually single, right? You are in a relationship? I guess I just see it as being married doesn't mean you automatically become depressed because as a committed LTC, you kind of are already married, just without the piece of paper. It's not MARRIAGE that makes people evil.. it's themselves, I think that was what UMA was trying to say. People don't have to be married to be miserable... LTRs can be just as miserable.

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But I don't know any happy married people...never have. I know all of my friends are jealous of me because I am single and free. We are the sum total of our experiences, aren't we? My friends always have to ask their husbands if they can go out to dinner with me. Now, I know that is just being kind to hubby, but it's like they have never grown up and have to ask permission to see me, to spend money on anything, or to plan a vacation. I am the captain of my ship and I like it that way. I love my bf to bits, but as he says, "You are the world's best gf, but you would make a lousy wife." I agree wholeheartedly.


I'm married and I'm happy. You can check out my journal if you don't believe me because I'm very honest about my feelings on there.


I was all grown up before I met my husband and I'm not jealous of you at all.


I understand that you had a bad experience with marriage and I'm honestly shocked to hear you talk about it because I just can't imagine you putting up with that. (I guess you didn't in the end.) But you don't always have to leave a marriage in order to find yourself. For some people, the best place to find yourself is in a marriage. It's messier and harder but at the end of the day, you're still you. Nobody can take that away from you unless you let them.

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I think you guys are missing the point. I do not believe you are unhappy being married, not at all. I WAS married and I have lived with about 3 men. I hate living with men! I just don't like cooking, cleaning, and the like. Now, some people like that, they love the closeness and things that marriage brings them. That is good for them. I don't like that. I am in a very nice relationship with a wonderful man. I don't spend the night at his place but maybe once a month. I love sleeping in my own bed and having my own home to go home to. I might be strange, but I don't miss him when I am not with him and I don't get lonely. I like my life as it is. He even had to admit that he was lousy at marriage, too. He has had three failed marriages and we have been together longer than any of his marriages. We are happy. That is all I care about. We are happy. You guys sound happy being engaged or married. Good. None of my married friends are very happy and that is the truth. But even if they were, I don't want to get married again....ever.

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OG, I quite like the venue (but, yep, agree with whoever said "why does there always have to be a pink room" lol. It will be awesome getting married outside and you should have some really nice pictures!

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It's too cold here in Dec for an outside wedding, although I suspect people do do it!


Also, before I forget, from now on I will be referring to CS as L. Just makes my life so much easier to call him one thing on both here and our blog rather than different things and I get them mixed up.

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