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yeah - that's something to work on - learning how listen to your body signals - when you are hungry, when you are satisfied, when you are full. stop at satisfied. go brush your teeth and have some mint tea when you are satisfied and that will help you going back for seconds.

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Hm, I don't remember a time he did... he has taken a few fries before.



I'm baby sitting Tyler while mom and my sister are out. He's at that stage now were his little personality is starting to show through.. so cute. He's sitting in his car seat right now kicking, grabbing his toes, twisting...

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It's a man thing, I'm sure lol. Tom eats sooo much! And by the time I've ate half a place he's going back for seconds. And he's so slim! Like, my dad says if he didn't know better he'd swear he doesn't eat properly lol. I only have to look at something fattening and put on a few pounds


Aww how old is Tyler now? So cute!

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I hate eating out with CS.. I don't know if it's a man thing or what but by the time I have taken MAYBE 10 bites, he's done. No lie. My ex was like that as well.. drives me nuts...


It is annoying, isn't it? And then you feel so akward sitting there, trying to enjoy your meal at your own pace, while the other person stares at you bored.

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It is annoying, isn't it? And then you feel so akward sitting there, trying to enjoy your meal at your own pace, while the other person stares at you bored.


My best friend - who is a woman - eats like CS does and after about five minutes of being done she's like 'are you almost finished?' 'what's taking so long?' and I just give her a look, lol

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I never ate a hot meal until my son was over six months old. My ex would scream at me to get dinner on the table at a certain time. When dinner was served, my son would start to cry and demand his "dinner" (I breast fed only until he was 4 months). I would feed him and by the time I was ready to eat, the food was cold and mostly gone. My ex was 6'3" and 190 lbs., he was thin and he ate like a horse. There were nights I didn't get dinner at all because he said it was the woman's job to clean up and by the time I did that, my son was hungry again and it was time for us all to go to bed. Is it any wonder I never remarried?

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My very best friend had what I considered the only happy marriage I ever knew about. She came down from Alaska this month and told me that she has been faking happy for over 10 years. They are seriously thinking about divorce and she says that marriage is a jail term and she wants it over with! She is a devout Chrisian and she is saying the divorce is definitely an option and that she will never remarry. Sorry all you engaged gals, but many marriages are no fun at all for the woman.

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