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I love watching Tyler play. He's at that point now were if his hand catches his eye he becomes utterly fascinated with it and will like move his hands around his face, open and close them and he just intently watches them. So cute. And he can roll all the way over on his stomach now! We just gotta get him to crawling...


And I'm currently working on Save the Dates for the wedding!

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I also found someone to marry us - score! - and we are currently looking at this place as a venue:

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CS isn't too impressed by the interior decor so he's hoping for a sunny wedding day so we can get married in the back yard - which is super gorgeous - hopefully I can plan a trip up there in the next few weeks to go and have a look for myself.

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I took a 3 hour nap today. Gotta go to sleep tonight since I go back to work tomorrow -grrr. CS woke me up at the 3 hour mark by calling me on Skype. I admit, I wasn't to thrilled to be woken up to begin with - I'm so cranky when I'm super sleepy or I have just been woken up - but after we hung up I got up and moved around, took a shower, ate, and am watching The Office right now. Thinking if I'm not sleepy by 10 I"ll take some sleep supplement and hit the sack. Back to the gym as well for me tomorrow. Yay (said sarcastically).


I found out today the taxes on my car are under $50 - I was prepared for like $100-$200. It's so crazy how this state works. In my home state they do it when you buy the car - so if I bought my car in Sept I wouldn't have to pay taxes on it until 1 year after I bought it. HERE you pay taxes on your birth month 0.o So I haven't had my car for a year and I have to pay taxes on it. Lovely.

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I'm so mad that you have to PAY to go to the ER when you have chest pains.. and not only pay - but pay 2 grand!!!!! That is INSANE. It honestly makes me so angry


I'm glad to hear everything is ok though..


Your save the dates are absolutely gorgeous - and I think thats a great location because of the outside/inside options.

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I'm so mad that you have to PAY to go to the ER when you have chest pains.. and not only pay - but pay 2 grand!!!!! That is INSANE. It honestly makes me so angry


I'm glad to hear everything is ok though..


Your save the dates are absolutely gorgeous - and I think thats a great location because of the outside/inside options.


Yeah, that's the way of life with no medical insurance in this country.


Did they check your gallbladder out? I know that sounds weird, but sometimes pain in one area can translate to another. Sorry you've been feeling crummy. I love your save the dates!! Are you nervous about going back to work and having to tell the whole sordid tale?


Not nervous but I'm not looking forward to it - I'm tired of having to explain to people why it didn't happen, I just want it over and done and to move forward. A few of them already know - I told my boss and my mom told her friend who I work with - but I can imagine people will want details.

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That is crappy.. maybe you need a standard line "I'm a bit tired of going over the details (because I've done it so many times) but I really appreciate your support. Basically, he missed his flight and the financial burden and time delays involved in getting him on another one made the trip so impractical that we pushed the wedding back till October. We were both initially so disappointed but now see that an October wedding will be better as so many more people can come with it being held on a Saturday and CS will be able to take more time for the honeymoon".


That's actually quite a long standard line but its a really positive way to start the conversation and if people still want details - fine - but they are asking after you have established that you are at peace with where things are.

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I know.. its not fun to deal with at all. Just think - a month from now it will be ancient history to everyone there.. But unfortunately for a few days its going to be crappy. I know you'll get through it though - you are very strong and very confident and determined and you'll be ok.

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Thank you Circe. With my boss and co worker knowing I'm sure everyone knows - they are just going to want to know why pretty much. It'll be nice to be out of the house though and making that time until October go by quicker - even though I'll miss all the time CS and I had to talk. I'm hoping work will let me off for the full two weeks - I don't see a problem with the notice and all but still. I'm taking a week with my vacation and I'm sure I can tag on some PTO days to fill in for the beach honeymoon but there's 3 days I'm not sure she'll be bale to give me off because of the amount of staff we have. I'll probably request it off, talk to her about it, and let her know when we get closer to time if she can't put me off for those 3 days to work me but I HAVE to have the 27th off to take CS's to the airport.

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Well it wasn't so bad today. Felt like I was explaining the situation every time I rounded the corner - which technically I was - but everyone was supportivie and gave me 'awws' and 'sorrys'. After a few 'here comes OG!' followed by 'how's our married woman?' I kind of felt a little sad. They of course knew nothing about it but it just kind of hammered home that I came back to work not married - kind of relived that first day feelings again. I imagine for a few days I'll be explaining - most people aren't there on the weekend so come Monday I'll have to go through it all over again.


Work wasn't too bad, just need to get back into the swing of things. I'm staying until about midnight or 1 am tomorrow night to help do some deep cleaning - hey, it's over time.


I also paid $3.45 for gas tonight on the way home. 0.o Good God.. I thought I was losing it when I saw the sign but nope, it was $3.45. And it was $3.26 when I went to work at the SAME store!!!


Okay, food today:


Breakfast - 2 pancakces, 2 sausage biscuit, 1 glass of 2$ milk

Lunch - Balogne and cheese sandwhich, salad, and 1 20 oz. soda (damn can machine wouldn't take my money)


Dinner - 2 manwhiches, glass of 2% milk


Exercise - 15 minutes on tradmill

15 on cross machine thing

25 ab and 25 lower back stretches

25 inner thigh stretches

Sitting on a ball and walking myself out - even with the floor - and walking myself back up

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Ooohh thats exciting - and you can modify them too probably? As long as you keep the legal words in there. We got something like 20 different options - my H didn't like any of them and wrote the entire ceremony himself (and I don't just mean the wedding vows - but everything that's said about what marriage is all about etc etc. It was looooong. Our celebrant was an absolute champ about it.

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Breakfast - 2 pancakces, 2 sausage biscuit, 1 glass of 2$ milk

Lunch - Balogne and cheese sandwhich, salad, and 1 20 oz. soda (damn can machine wouldn't take my money)


Dinner - 2 manwhiches, glass of 2% milk


you need some more vegetables and fruits in the mix. how about: 1 pancake, 1 biscuit, 1 cup diced fruit, 1 cup tea

was the soda diet? maybe water is better.

dinner - 1 manwich, 2 cups salad with light dressing

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I'm having to ease myself into health eating otherwise the first time I come accross somethign I don't like, I'm going to bail. Right now I'm not working on so much healthy but less portions because that is my number one problem - I over eat. So far so good on that and For the last two days I have had a salad while at lunch. I don't eat fruits and vegetables - hence why I'm slowly going into it - so I'm only adding what I know I like at this time - broccoli and carrots sadly being the only things. And no, no diet soda. I can't stand the taste but I have been doing good about keeping to 1 a day right now and slowly wheening myself off that. I had 2 today but I couldn't get a hold of coffee and I stayed after work and didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel so I took the extra caffeine boost.


Breakfast - bowl of Corn flakes, 2% milk

Lunch - 2 manwhiches, salad, 1 20 oz. soda (forgot the damn can machine is broke, grr)

Dinner - Special K ceral bar {(wasn't overly hungry but decided to put something on my stomach)


Exercise - 25 minutes on the treadmill

- 30 Ab and 30 lower back exercises

- 20 upper body exercises

- 10 inner and outer thigh exercises


No gym tomorrow, looking forward to sleeping in! I stayed after two hours today to help my boss and co workers deep clean the kitchen - because apparently the kitchen crew couldn't do it -.- - and I'm exhausted. I had half a cup of soda to make sure I made it home - mom was asleep so I couldn't talk to her while I drove and for SOME reason I volunteered to stay after tomorrow night as well. I have help tomorrow night on the day rooms so I should be able to get in there about 9 and I'll leave at 11 or 11:30. Not much over time but hey, ho....


Pretty sure we found a photographer for the wedding. He was the cheapest I had ever been quoted - $899 - and that's with releasing a CD to us with every picture he takes the day of and he'll do my bridal portraits for $50 - even travel an hour away to the location at no extra charge - and charge me half of what it would normally cost to get prints - an 8x10 is normally $40, I'll pay $20. I emailed him and he should be sending us a few more of his pics to look at - CS wants to see how creative he can be - but barring that we are set to go with him. Thank you taxes! I'm calling the venue tomorrow to see if I can - hopefully - get up there Wednesday morning to look around.


Circe - we ended up finsihing our vows today. We mostly went with the civil ceremony the guy had but I work a line or two from the traditional and none traditional that I liked and some things that didn't suit us. CS refused to have the line as 'and you may now kiss your bride' it had to be 'and you may no ksis THE bride.' His reason? I"m not his property, lol. And he wanted to omit the whole 'who gives this woman' because in his words 'you're a grown woman, you give yourself'. So we did get that worked out. We stuck to the traditional vows and are going to do the whole letter to each other the morning of the wedding. Instead of a unity candle I'm thinking of finding a short wedding poem and having my uncle - who is giving me away - read it during what would be the unity candle section.

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I've never understood the relative who "gives the bride away". I own me and I am not 'giving' myself to anyone. If marriage makes you a tradeable commodity...uh no thanks. I also don't see why I have to change my name. What's that all about? Am I once again a commodity? Marriage is a strange institution.

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Right now I'm not working on so much healthy but less portions because that is my number one problem - I over eat.


starting your meal with some broth based food or salad might help. have a cup of a light soup before the rest of your dinner, and you will be full sooner.

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