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K, just got back from the hospital. Everything is fine. I have had some chest pains on my left side the last few days. The first day I wrote it off as indegestion but after about 3 days of random stabbing pains, I was worried. CS was worried. So I went to the ER. I had an EKG - said my heart looked good - a chest x ray and they drew blood. They also checked me for blood cuts - since I'm on BC - and the diagnoses was...


indegestion. -.- Didn't take a 2,000 hospital bill for me to know that....

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I feel okay right now, except for this peeing thing. Okay, this is going to be TMI but it's the only way I can explain it. I used the bathroom before I left the hospital. No lie 10 mins later I had to pull over into a McDonald's to use their bathroom. I felt like I was about to burst but barely anything came out. So 15 minutes after THAT I barely get into the house and I'm about to bust again - again, just a trickle.


Literally I have been running to the bathroom every five to ten minutes with the urge to pee - like you have held it in for two hours - and when I do, it barely trickles. Ugh.

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still may be a bladder infection. NO NO NO sodas for a couple days (that makes it much worse) and drink lots of a water to flush it out.


You would know the one day I need water they are working on our water line. hahahaha


that doesn't sound good. Do you have a free health line you can call for advice? If not, maybe go back to the doctor?


I'm pretty sure it's a bladder infection like Hers said. Ridiculous how sudden it hit! There's a beer in the fridge and I'm thinking of making myself drink it.

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Oh no, OG. I'm glad there's nothing serious going on!


Eurgh I have a weak bladder AND went to the doctors this morning who says I have cystitis. I feel your pain, it's miserable! Does sound like an infection. Or could it be anxiety? Anxiety makes me need to pee more and because you had chest pains too?


I hope you feel better soon!

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I'm thinking that little bathroom thing must have been a side effect of one of the medications they gave me because by the time I went to bed - at 1 pm. God my sleep shcedule is wacked to Hell - it was gone. No pressure, could pee normally. I was like ahhhhh! So I have slept all afternoon. Lovely. I'll have to stay up til at least late afternoon tomorrow because I go back to work Saturday. I want to go back so the time goes by quicker for October but at the same time... I don't wanna!

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No, we looked at flight prices and if I were going for a week or two I could stomach paying $1,000 for my flight - forgot that was in height season for flying - but an extended weekend? No. But in return we are adding an extra week for when CS comes over for the wedding in October. So instead of the normal week to week and a half it will be about two weeks and a few days I believe. Sucks but financially it makes more sense.


Although looking back over the last week I can see why the universe stopped us from getting married - still mad about it but hey - with my mom and brother being sick on what would have been our wedding day, the accident CS could have been in, CS's tooth acting up, my chest pains...

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It will but we are almost half way there now already so....


No pains since I went to the hospital. I love how that works. I probably have a $2,000 hospital bill for indegestion which is what I thought it was going to being and after I went I haven't had any pains. -.- lol, it's almost 4 am here.

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